Canex Cream (Top voted first)


Can a man use canex crean on his private part when he have some balls their?

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Hello, Don! How are you?

I can't find anything that specifically lists what the ingredient is in Canex, there are various things claiming what it is, but nothing verified.

However, it is listed as being an antifungal agent that can be used to treat yeast infections and other fungal skin infections, which means that it can be used by men or women, it is not gender specific.

However, it will only treat fungal infections, according to the information I found, so you should see your doctor for a proper diagnosis, before using it. If your problem is caused by something else, such as a virus or bacterial infection, then this cream isn't going to help.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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Hi I would like to know can canex cream delay menstruation I have used it a couple off days after ovulation

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