Can You Cut A Hydracodon 7 5 325 Tab In Half If It Is Not Scored
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I really need to know if I can cut in half the mallinckrodt 7.5 325 hydrocodin. I usually get the scored qualitest 7.5 325 I take one half 4 times aday, but, my pharmacist switched to the unscored tablet.
4 Replies
Tina, yes it is safe to cut it. When hydrocodone is combined with acetaminophen, it is always immediate release.
At this time there are only two extended release hydrocodone meds on the market, Hysingla ER and Zohydro ER. Neither contain acetaminophen and there are no generics for them and won't be for a number of yrs because they came out a few yrs ago.
I have hydrocodone 7.5/325 with no score line. I can't swallow pills. I need to know if it is safe to crush and sprinkle on food.
Yvonne.... you can buy a small tool for cutting any pills in half regardless if they are scored or not at most pharmacies. Hope that helps :)
Hi yvonne,
Usually when there is a score line (divid) embedded into the tablet, it means the manufacturer purposely made it so patients could easily cut it in half. However based on my own past experience having to split a Norco tablet without a score line, I'd still feel safe cutting the pill in half AS LONG AS the drug itself is not in extended-release form; which it doesn't sound like yours is.
Some patients may not agree with me on cutting it in half when there is no score line present, but I haven't heard of any good reason not to when it comes to this particular tablet.
Lastly, if you consistently feel the need to use half a dose it may even be wise to talk with your doctor about getting a lower dose of the medication so you have more control over how much you take.
Hope this helps!
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