Can Xarelto Cause Weight Gain (Top voted first)
UpdatedI'm trying to determine if weight gain is possible with Xarelto? I have been taking this for about 2 years now (20 mg). I just can't seem to loose weight and have even been to Weight Watchers. I continue to work on my weight but just curious if this pill is having an effect? I am 71 years old with A-Fib. Had an ablation 1 year ago as of next month.
4 Replies
It isn't a listed side effect reported by the FDA. They typically include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising.
However, other users have reported weight gain while on it that did not resolve, until they stopped taking it, or switched medications.
If it's that much of a concern for you, you may want to speak to your doctor about trying a different medication.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Hi. Xarelto can cause weight gain fluid retention. I was on Xarelto for 5 months for a DVT. Gained 20lbs. Previosly in great shape. worked out 5 days a week, ate healthy. Xarelto made my stomach distended, Lots of fluid retention. Gained it everywhere. Made my feet sore,and joints ache. I began taking Green Vibrance twice daily. Took Bromalain 500mg on an empty stomach morning and late afternoon. (if you take it before bed it interferes with sleep). Took two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar twice daily. Also sometimes put half tsp of turmeric in some V8 juice. Its delicious and you can buy it in the spice isle of your grocery store. I've LOST 3 lbs FINALLY! I think my body is healing and beginning to release the fluid. I started to take the green vibrance two months ago, and just began the others 4 days ago !! Hope this helps us all : )
still waiting to hear from anyone taken off xarelto a fib caused after open heart 5 years ago was on aspirin for 3 years thereafter , then taken off asa n put on xarelto for a fib st jude nano pacemaker (no defibrillator) one year ago for low heart rate at night I am bruised and have been taking a lot of naps tired and I think it is th xarelto and am ready to either wean off or just stop a couple of days and start asa again and also switch cardiologist or at least go for second opinion
I was on Xarelto for five months and gained 17 pounds in spite of exercising and eating a minimal diet. Against my doctors recommendation I have taken myself off of it and cannot lose a pound. I read that studies on rats show that it remains in your system and is found in the kidneys. I am starting a kidney cleanse and am hopeful that will give me some results.
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