Can Urine Tests Check For Fentanyl Levels
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I have chewed little pieces of my fentanyl patch to help with immediate pain relief. However I see the pain management doctor in 4 days and will have to take a urine test. I have put one on my arm and am not chewing onthem however, will my levels be off and cause me to fail the test or will the fentanyl I used orally be out of my system by then? Please help no judgement please I know its bad to use them this way its complicated. Please be good enough to answer my question if you know one. Thank you

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If they are doing a Metab test on u it can tell EVERYTHING, exactly how much daily and the method of administration; each method releases different amounts into the blood and urine. So yes these tests can be extremely intense. To anyone who needs to know the TRUTH, i am drug tested by 3 different agencies for almost 8 yrs now. I am on Fentanyl and it 100% DOES SHOW UP IN URINE SCREENS. In a "straight 8" panel it takes anywhere from 3-5 days to test negative. If they do more intense metab testing u could be screwed for up to 10 days depending on how much, how often and the method of administration. For urine tests, Fentanly is a minimum of 3-5 days or AT LEAST 72 hours if ur lucky, but the average is 5 FULL DAYS in urine and 3 full days for blood. ALSO, if ur taking Fentanyl and they do a Urine Metab testing they will find it 10-12 days later. Lab Metab testing will show up to 10-14 days no matter what.

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is the fentanyl what ur perscribed?

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Absolutely, but it is a special strio the have to have to make it show up, Normally does not how on a normal dip stick test, Only if it goes to a lab and your ins pays for this test.

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