Can Taking Vimpat With Cranberry Juice Cause Seizures (Top voted first)


a week ago I gave my client her Vimpat with 50% water & 50% cranberry juice. She had several back to back gran mal seizures causing her to be hospitalized. Did the cranberry juice counter act the vimpat?

3 Replies

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Hello, Nene50! How are you? How is she doing?

I didn't find any interactions or problems listed between the Vimpat and any form of cranberry.

Did the doctors have any idea what caused them?

Even the best seizure control medicines don't always keep them 100% prevented, so blaming yourself really isn't reasonable.

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Hello just wondering my brother cant swallow pills he takes vimpat 150mg anyway i was told not to crush anymore so i started cuting it into pieces now the pharmist told me to stop cutting what should i do can it be put into some type of beverage or juices

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I need help. I was on Vimpat 6 50mgs a day. A hospital took me off cold turkey and it's been 1 week as of today, but I'm still going through withdrawal symptoms. What can I do? Please help.

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