Can Subutex Be A Small White Round Pill With 8 On One Side And An Arrow On The Other (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My friend takes 8mg subutex and when he picked up his script today, they weren't the usual white tablet. They were white and the size of a 2mg subutex with an 8 on one side and an arrow on the other. Could his pharmacist have made a big mistake or are these just a different brand??

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Hey Ernie-
My doc had me on Suboxone for 3 years, and when my pharmacy coverage hit the donut hole, suddenly my $80 Suboxone was gonna cost me $699!!! I asked the pharmacist and he said to ask my doc to switch me to Buprenorphine, the generic form of Subutex - which is Suboxone without the Naltrexone. Since it's generic I'm only paying $80 for 45 days worth. If you haven't taken Suboxone at all, then you have to stop taking all opiates and start withdrawal - after 24-36 hours, you're far enough into opiate withdrawal and they then start Suboxone induction - suddenly, the dope sickness goes away and you feel - normal and human. NOT high, but no withdrawal. It's like magic (although I've heard that Buprenorphine is harder to withdraw from than Heroin or Methadone, because it has a long half-life - it can "trick" you into thinking your off and you're clean). Anyway, as with most things concerning getting off opiates, find a doctor in your community who is certified to treat you with Suboxone - no rehab inpatient stay necessary - they can do it on an outpatient basis! Here's a link:
Good luck! ~Frank B.

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hi frank booth - not sure if u frequent the forums often and will get this message, hopefully you do soon, or anyone else to happens to read it and has any info, i'd appreciate it! i'm sure all subutex/suboxone users have heard by now that they have stopped making the suboxone tablets...they are still in supply so pharmacies may still have them for a while, but my subox doc told me to expect them to be gone withini the next few/couple of months. i think it's total CRAP as to why they were voluntarily plugged, due to children having access/possible overdose...what dumb f*** would leave their meds around their children, whether it's a 4 year old or 12 year old child...there has to be more to it than that...for some god awful reason they want us taking the film, which i have tried with an open mind at least half a dozen times over the last 2 years, but i just can't take to it! i know they say it is the same ingredients (this is for the 8 mg suboxone, btw), but to me it is not the same...for one thing, it feels stronger to me, and not long after i've ingested it, i often feel sick to my stomach...this is for half of a film, mind you, so 4 mg suboxone film...i have never taken subutex before, though i am curious as ive heard all positive...i was never a snorter/crusher/shooter, so whatever the reason for the naxolone (sp?) in the suboxone to make it shoot proof, i dont need it for that and wonder if subutex might be better for me...i know with the suboxone tablets i sometimes got a little sick in my earlier days, and that is when i knew it was time to decrease my any event, i do not like the film at all and dread the day this is all that is available...

pardon my ignorance, but does the subutex have a film/strip format, or is the film just for suboxone? also, does anyone know if the subutex is going to be discontinued like the suboxone? I take much less than i did 2 years ago, but i still take it regardless but haven't dipped below 3-4 mgs...thanks for any aniswers to my questions, or pushing me to the right source...very confused....

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Danielle, I too think that it is a load of crap that they discontinued the Suboxone Tablet. The film (for me at least), does not work as well as the tablet. Plus the film does not last as long as the tablet. It is very difficult for me to know how much is a quarter piece since I don't take half a film at a time. With the tablet I can know for sure how much I am taking. Maybe it's not like this for all people who take the film but, that's alright. To answer your question though, no, Subutex does not come in a film. It just comes in two kinds of tablets. The bigger 8mg with fillers, and a smaller 8mg pill with an arrow that personally is so much better. It dissolves much faster AND the taste is barely there. They are tiny though, almost in resemblance to a 15mg of Morphine lol! Nonetheless, I am so glad that I am taking my Subs. They saved my fiancee and I's lives and we have each been sober since January 2012. I hope everyone who reads this and needs to get off of drugs highly considers going to either an inpatient or outpatient clinic. You can also visit an Addictionologist to prescribe you Suboxone or Subutex because not every doc is able to prescribe this type of medicine. You have to go to a specialist. If insurance is a problem, try getting Medicaid as most rehabs or clinics will either only accept people with insurance or will charge you up the bum just to get a script, only to get it filled and have to pay $699.99 since they are $9.99 a piece. Good luck to everyone who needs help with this! It saved me and I know it saved everyone on this thread! I am very proud of all of you for sticking to it and taking back control of your lives! Best of luck to every single one of you!

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The n with arrow on one side and 8 on other they are 8mg
And there isnt any Naloxne in Subutex just (Bupinorphen) or however its spelled!! And i think they r better than the 54 411`s! O and FYI Naloxne is an opiot blocker which is in Suboxone Strips along with bupinorphen!! They r both made in 2mg and 8 mgs but they never give out the 2mg..... Suboxne is so hrd to get, and everybody I know thinks they wrk bettet, Dont take the strips unless Doc makes you, Trust Me!!!!!!!!!

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The n with arrow on one side and 8 on other they are 8mg
And there isnt any Naloxne in Subutex just (Bupinorphen) or however its spelled!! And i think they r better than the 54 411`s! O and FYI Naloxne is an opiot blocker which is in Suboxone Strips along with bupinorphen!! They r both made in 2mg and 8 mgs but they never give out the 2mg..... Suboxne is so hrd to get, and everybody I know thinks they wrk bettet, Dont take the strips unless Doc makes you, Trust Me!!!!!!!!!

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Please shut the hell up. Stop begging

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Yes You are taking the right thing! They Br subs just a different maker! Some people have said they are even stronger cuz they have less fillers in them! Read all the posts above mine to you! Good luck to you!

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Apparently you've never had the NAME BRAND Subutex. Because if you did, you would know there's a huge difference in them compared to the generics you've taken. That said, you can't really post your opinion about them considering you've, once again, never taken them. And yes there's a huge difference between the size. The smaller ones have less ingredients ( those which interact with the buprenorphine causing a different effect in feeling with the larger 8mg tablets) than the larger ones. I think that's a bit OBVIOUS. Read up on people's comments about the small 8mgs and you will learn that more than the majority prefers the larger 8mgs as opposed to the smaller ones. There just not the same. If they were, they would all be the same size. The small 8mg tablets are simply made cheaper. The less ingredients put in, the cheaper they are to produce. Not many people are prescribed the small 8mg tablets, and there's a reason for that. It's not that hard to figure out.

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The post below was in reply to Kaitlyn's post. Probably shoulda stuck that in there...sorry.

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i am on the suboxen strips for 2 years now.. i was never prescribed the tablets. i hate to admit this but a couple of times early on when i would cut myself short for the month i would buy a couple from someone else, she was prescribed the tablets, i really don't see that much of a difference. i mean maybe if i did it often but i really think that as addicts we are afraid of change and changing a medication that we have taken for so long and have grown to trust to get through the day is scary. i think if u give the films a chance and try not to dwell on it it may not be as bad as you think. also when i was first inducted they made me feel sick also but it goes away in time as long as i remember to eat im ok.
also about 2 months ago when i was at the pharmacy to refill i was asking about subutex prices and what not bc i am a cash pay and suboxen is a little pricey, the pharmacist told me that some company has started to make tex films and they would be out soon.....

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I have been on subutex for a little over a year bcuz of my baby..I was on suboxone tabs for 3yrs before that and the tex are alot better. I get the big ones but I did get the small ones once r twice and they suck I think. But I heard they r coming out w a subutex film strip now and I wanted to knw if anyone else has heard that bcuz I really do not want tex strips whatsoever!

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So HATE ins. Companies!!

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Have they started working? It was just today that I received the tiny ones. The thing about buprenorphrene(sp) is that once it fills all your receptors, that's it they are full. Where the higher dose comes in, I haven't figured out yet and I have taken as much as 8mg dose.

Thing about it is, I was ordering this stuff from India to the place I lived at the time. It came in tablet form and were blister packs. Many of the old timers can tell you about them. They were 0.5ug(micrograms) and sold as Temgesic i think it was called. But it was bupe alright. At the time I was taking up to 8 hydrocodone 10/325's. if I ran out I switched to the bupe and used 2 of the tablets at a time about twice a day as they just made me feel normal and lasted. So now I live in the states and use bupe for pain management but I am given the 8mg tablets that are to be taken as 1/2 trouce three time daily. I honest was a little upset at the small size as I chop them into 16-32 pieces each. And been working just fine. So I'm still confused about the dosages given. My Dr was oblivious of the temgisic use going back to years before Suboxone. I do think that Subutex has been around a long time in Europe. I recall reading something about that in an article about addictions towards opiates. Supposed to be the miracle drug. They were right...but I think the high doses does something to your receptors were 8mg is the normal feeling. I still take just chips of these and feel great.

Recently I went to see my grandma and only took one tablet with me thinking I would be there 4 days. She feel ill and I had to stay 2 weeks. The one 8 mg got me through the whole 2 weeks with change.

Hopefully people will look this up, and cut their doses. I'm not saying doc has to know as the extras will last and build up a supply for an emergency.

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It's the right thing.

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it is a generic but the same

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Actually you are wrong about everything. The ingredients in the larger subutex are inactive ingredients, they in no way affect the ACTIVE ingredient which is bupe. Smaller does not mean cheaper ie. roxicet, oxycontin... The larger ones are harder for junkies to abuse, that is why most pharmacies carry that brand. The active ingredient is the same.

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I wanr anyone who take these they cause majorback up in your digestion. i didnt use the bathroom for 3 weeks after i took 2 of these. i would stick to any other subutex but these !

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yes igot the same ones today there diferent name brand what you need to do is call diferent pharmacies and see if they carry a diferend name brand than arrow which is what ypu have ,im not stisfied with this brand either!

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Sorry, friend. I asked my pharmacist what the difference between the big pill Subutex and the little white 8's, and he showed me. The bigger tablet is packed with extra binders and fillers - mostly starches - to make it harder to abuse them. Both have exactly the same active ingredient: 8 mg of Buprenorphine. So, whichever size you prefer, ask for it. My Walgreens stocks both and unless you look really sagged out, they 'll give you the size pill you prefer!

Have a clear day!
Red Vines

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"wheen as told how"

Yeah. Except breaking the bigger pills into as small as 1mg segments is so easy that a monkey could do it, whereas even breaking these into quarters without getting one pieces that are like 30, 20, 35, 15% of the pill is hard.

These pills have thrown me a huge curveball. I tend to have to be up for 18- up to even 22 hours a day between working and watching my kids so i tend to break my dose into 2 or even 3 pieces. I've currently weened down to about 3mg a day, how is anyone supposed to reliably break these into 1mg sections? And it's not like 1mg is where you're supposed to stop weening, you're supposed to get down to a quarter of a milligram. With this pill the difference between a quarter and a half a milligram is going to be like 10 granules.

What exactly is the purpose of these pills being so small? Looking them up all i've read about is that they're harder to use properly and they're easier to abuse.

Who is the company trying to serve by making an 8mg pill this small when the vast majority of sub regimens will involve people taking 1/32nd of 8 milligrams- sometimes even 1/64th!

I literally can't think of another way to break this up into actual measured doses without crushing the whole thing into powder and then cutting up lines of it. You know.. EXACTLY the kind of behavior that subutex's long half-life and sublingual delivery method is designed to help you avoid!

The binders in the bigger pills stink, for certain, but all that extra material is what made these in depth .0125 mg tapers possible. I broke a sub down to an 1/8th of a milligram once to see how easy it was and that piece was about the same size as 1 milligram of this. Guess what? It's not easy. At all.

So now people will be trying to do 2mg and doing closer to 3. Or try to do 4 and do 3 or 5.

Again. Who does this serve? Who thought this up? This is literally one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. If you could go back to the pharmacy and just buy more? THEN it would make sense because then the company would clearly be trying to make you mismanage your product and subsequently buy more.

But as a scheduled substance? It's dicey. Every pharmacy in Richmond carries these now. No doctors are taking new patients. It's almost like they're trying to "identify abusers" by seeing who has a problem with them.

Here's a thought- the people who DON'T have a problem with them are more likely to be either abusers or involved with drug pushing doctors, as DRs are supposed to start working people off these eventually and be acquainted with the tapering process.

Ugh. What a mess. I pray that every other sub patient in this area is getting up and arms about this and it will make the pharmacies go back to the old stock. We'll pay a little more to be able to actually freaking measure our medicine out right!

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