Can Mirtazapine Be Taken With Gabapentin Or Synaptol
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I am worried if there would be any negative drug reactions. My 30 year old son been taking gabapentine for 18 months and dr just prescribed the mirtazapine. also add had been diagnosed and untreated for years and I am looking for a natural medicine and have recently read about synaptol. Dr gave me the antideppressents instead of any add meds because of history of drug abuse.

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I've just started taking miratazpine but am on gabapetin is this safe to t as ke St the same time it anyone else on them both

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I am on 15mg of mitazapine at night and just wondered if it is ok to take garbepentin as well for my bladder pain

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I can't provide you with any information on the Synaptol, since it is a natural product, it isn't tested for side effects and possible interactions, as is done for prescription medications. So, on that I can only advise that his doctor be consulted, before using it.

As to the Mirtazapine and the Gabapentin, they can be used together, but the doctor does have to carefully consider the dosage, due to the fact that both can cause depression of the central nervous system.

He should also be warned to watch for any signs of this occurring, such as feeling severely drowsy, slow heart rate and shallow breathing.



Is there anything else I can help with?

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