Can Lidocaine Used For Mouth Ulcers Cause A False Positive For Cocaine In A Urine Test (Top voted first)
UpdatedI tested positive for cocaine but use liquid lidocaine for mouth ulcers every 4-6 hours and have for months.
2 Replies
I realize this question was posted a very long time ago but I wanted to let you know that viscous lidocaine, which is what you are referring to and I was recently prescribed, will not cause a positive result for cocaine. It does however sometimes cause a positive result for one of the amphetamine categories (I believe it was methamphetamines). According to poison control and to the lab that I spoke to the only thing that can cause a cocaine positive on a drug test is actually cocaine. Not lidocaine or novocaine or bupivacaine, etc.
Re: got2bme38 (# 1)
Wrong do more research. Lidocain does test false positive and the doctors know this but wont discuss it same as morphine they wont discuss it.
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