Can Ibtake Bp Meds Amd Hydrocodone
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I just had a baby and I was prescribed hydrocodone for pain and when I came home my blood pressure went up so now I'm taking lisinopril to control my blood pressure now that I'm in pain I wanted to know if I could combine the two together?

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Ideally it would be best to consult your doctor before combining any medications.

However, my research is in line with the content mentioned in post #1, suggesting that it's safe.

According to's drug interaction checker, there are no interactions or contraindications noting otherwise.

Furthermore, seeing that most blood pressure medications are pharmaceuticals, your prescribing doctor probably wouldn't give you two medications that weren't compatible with one another. That's just my perspective, but it's always a good idea to double check these types of things to be sure they haven't made a mistake.

I hope this helps!

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Yes you can honey my daughter '''' both of my daughters took hydrocone a d lisonipril before theyhad thier babies and one of my babies is 14 and the other is 12 Allen Boyd Rye Texas PS God bless you and your family and no I was flirting with her I have been happily married to one beautiful woman for 51 years gless you again honey

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