Can I Use Primolut As A Contraceptive
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Can i take primolut n as a contraceptive pill

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Hi I'm 18 years old. I started my first pack of microgynon yesterday ( March 26th, 2018) and my doctor prescribed primolut for my irregular periods so I'm wondering about the effectiveness of both pills respectively, especially if the primolut will hinder the effects of the microgynon. Could someone please help me. Thank u.

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Hi! I started taking primolut n tabs 4 days ago to regulate my periods as I didn't menstruate in February. I am also a patient of PCOD. After taking the second pill I had unprotected intercourse with my husband. I took 2 other pills on the consecutive days. I wanted to know whether I shud take an Ipill (emergency birth control / contraceptive) while taking primolut n? Or should I continue with primolut n? Will it prevent a pregnancy?

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Please can I use promulut n to prevent pregnancy?

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