Can I Take Norco 15 Hours After Taking Soboxone (Top voted first)


I took a very slim strip of soboxone last night for the first time. Its been 15 hours ago. Is it ok to take a norco 10 now ?

3 Replies

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Hello, Van! How are you?

It usually requires a break of about 72 hours, for another opiate to work, after having taken Suboxone, but you should follow your doctor's instructions.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Can I take norco 5 hours after I took 2 Advil pm ?

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Van I hope u find the answer u where looking for. The person who previously replied seems to give the same response to everyone on here. I mean I can read the back of suboxone description too. People and meds are different for each. I too took for the first time 9 hours ago a 1/4 piece of suboxone. I wasn't planning on taking my norco till tomorrow but my neck and hands started hurting really bad. Couldn't do anything including holding this phone. I just took 30 mg of norco and it is working just fine. I feel it and am not sick. While it may be true about the time period of 72 hours that is what is spelled out generally. Everyone is different. Hope this helps.

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