Can I Take Diane After My Period (Top voted first)


Can I take Diane pills after 14 days of menstruation?

9 Replies

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Hello, can i ask for some advice as well. After 20 days of my menstruation if I have intercourse, is it ok if I take diane 35 pills? Is it still safe?Or is there still a possibility of getting pregnant? Please, i need your response. Thank you.

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Please can you give me some comments

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Hi Leahjean, perhaps you could give me the answer now since it happened July. Had my period past 9 days and had intercourse with my bf unfortunately, he messed up and forgot it was not safe. On the 9th day of not being safe, I took Diane 35. Do you think this will help?

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Hello this my first time to take diane35 2years ago I stop using another contraceptive... Should I take Diane 35 even I finish my period 11days ago . .still we did not do contact...if ever I take Diane35 in 7days then we so making love is possible I'm becoming pregnant ...yes or no mam ..thanks I hope no

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Hello, Kyryl! How are you?

You can start them, at any time, as long as your doctor approves, but if you don't start them on the first or second day of your period, it will take a full week for them to become effective to prevent pregnancy.

The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, spotting and PMS-like symptoms.

Leahjean, the same answers applies to your question, you must take them for a full week, before engaging in intercourse, in order for them to prevent pregnancy.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Is it ok that I took Diane 35 on the 7th day of my menstrual cycle? I'm already on my 12th day of pills.

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hi im going to start to take pill after 6th day of my period.,if its ok to take it last month im using trust pill then i will switch to diane...

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I forgot to take primolut so that my period not come. because my husband is coming. I only remember when my husband said he's coming then suddenly my period come the I take primolut rapidly.. please help me now it will be effecve to stop my period or no??

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I want to delay my period but all of a sudden i got my periid before ny dates today is the first day of my periods.i want to stop my period instantly thats why i started taking diane long will it take yo stop bleeding. Or should i take any other pills if soo may i know that name please

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