Can I Take Amoxicillin And Naproxen At The Same Time
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My wisdom tooth did not grow up, the dentist said it grow ? through, so now it's to pain.. The dentist suggest me for operation.. For the mean time I took narrowed, but still pain..

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Re: dee (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

II didn't know if naproxen was needed to make the amoxicillin effective. I am not in pain.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am not in pain so can I skip the naproxen.

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Hello, Lenie! How are you?

Yes, these are often prescribed together to treat pain and infection, such as what you're experiencing and they are fine to take together, as long as they've been prescribed for you.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of Amoxicillin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

The typical side effects for Naproxen may possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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