Can I Get Oxycodone For A Pinched Sciatica Nerve
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HI I live in Phx Az I have had serious sciatic nerve problems sence my young teens the pain is awful I have had Mri done needel in my spine Shocking my nerve everything you name it but they neverd calld back after my last Mri , Right side of right leg is fully numb I cant feel that side of the leg & I feel the feeling sometimes on the left leg now Iv tryd oxys couple times at first but neverd payd attention did help tho, does anyone have a clinic or doc who will prescribe the weaker ones?

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I truly think that if your sciatica is truly as bad as you say than you should probably get a second opinion.further the doctor that sent you for the MRI should at least start. you on tramadol or hydrocodone. Until you get it figured out how severe your sciatic nerve is involved. Second ,your entitled to see a neurologist if your having all this numbness you claim,third ,don't go asking right away for oxycodone because if you do the doc is going to figure your drug seeking . Let the doctor decide what meds to use ,trust your doctor that's what they get paid for. Good luck . God bless, hope you wellness and good healing in your future. Rocket 666.

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Hello, Jose! How are you?

You usually wouldn't get such results over the phone. You've usually got to in for an appointment to see the doctor that ordered the MRI to get the results.

Any doctor you see is going to want results from an MRI, so your best bet would be to return to the doctor that ordered it to see what's going on.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Are there any other questions or concerns?

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