Can I Do A Methadone Detox Using Tramad
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I'm on 30ml methadone daily and need to come off it in 1 week can I use tramadol as I have a few of them hope someone can help Thanks

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Its not an opiate must ween slowly off methadone or under supervision get a different opiate to detox slowly..go to the local methadone clinic and try to detox over 28 days at least..dont underestimate what your trying to cant just switch to any other pill.
It can make it worse..if youve never withdrawn before..
Please call your local methadone clinic or do so under the supervision of a good dr.
good luck.

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Hi, I've been taking h for 3 months now after a relapse. I had done a long detox from 90mls of methadone and was clean until xmas. ive been having 2-3 bags a day sometimes more sometimes less. I want to get clean and have 100mls of methadone. I want to do a quick detox. I had 1 bag early this morning and nothing since. I feel a little sick and legs a bit sore. Has anyone any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks

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Tramadol will put you in severe withdrawal. Chemically, these two drugs do not mix! Tramadol is not an opioid. Tapering is the best solution.

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