Can An Antidepressant Really Lift Your Mood (Top voted first)


I have tried several and none work for anyone who it had worked for does it reAlly lift your mood and make you feel better how long did it take to find the right med and how long till it worked

2 Replies

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Hi, Theresa! How are you?

It's not that they really lift your mood, but they help to keep things balanced better by working on brain chemicals. The most common ones are SSRIs, they inhibit the uptake of serotonin in the brain. If you don't produce enough naturally, or if it's low due to stress and etc. then there isn't enough bouncing around in your brain long enough, which creates a problem, because it's a happy chemical.

Thus, a lack of it can cause some people to feel down, depressed and lethargic.

However, placing it back isn't going to actually lift your mood and cause you to feel really happy and euphoric, because it's not an upper.

When taking them, you should expect to feel more balance and not as low/depressed, but you likely won't actually get an uplift in moods and if that's what you were expecting, it could explain why you felt they didn't work for you.

Since they do work on brain chemicals, which takes awhile, they usually take about 4 to 6 weeks to reach their full effect in the body and for you to know whether or not they are helping you.

Is there anything else I can help with?

Any other questions or concerns?

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I think they truly haven't worked for me cause there hasn't been any improvement at all unfortunately

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