Can A Urine Test Show Much Oxycodone Is In Your System (Top voted first)


How close to a accurate amount of oxycodone in ones body can be measured by a urine test? Example... i take one hundred mg of oxycodone a day. I should be taking 210 mg ...will the urine test for oxycodone pick up this difference in quantity?

7 Replies

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Well it depends most docs are hypersensitive when it comes to prescribing powerful cds's add to that any history of addiction multiple doctor visiting just adds to that parranoia. If you have to ask the question you asked in my opinion it's time to find a doctor tailored to YOUR needs the doc works for you and YOUR needs should supersede his issues with prescribing meds. Best wishes...

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Can a urine test show how many Percocets I take a day

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Will urine test tell the difference between oxycodone hcl 15 & oxycodone 5 (a-04)?

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No unless they consider the result suspicious then they can forward it to a lab. Using highly sensitive testing protocols they CAN easily decipher metabolic breakdown and retention rates of these substances then you'd have an issue. Good Luck.

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Who can tell me if a pain Dr I'm returning to after years of not going (was only getting tramadol then) will they urine test me the first visit before they prescribe anything? I have oxy in my system that is not prescribed and frankly can't be sick at work for 2 or 3 days before I go.

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The medical profession usually assumes that if you're not taking the amount prescribed to you, that you're SELLING the rest!

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I see a pain specialist and he regularly believes, via a urine test, that I've not taken as much oxycodone as he has prescribed. I need to understand why.

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