Can A Regular Doctor Prescribe Oxycodone In Tn (Top voted first)


I have had a prescription for oxycodone for my back pain in the past and it was provided by a doctor at the emergency room. I also was referred to a pain clinic in Fairview TN a few years back, but now I am located in Waverly and someone told me a regular doctor can't prescribe oxycodone any more. Is this true or can my regular doctor give me a New prescription.

2 Replies

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A regular doctor can write for oxycodone. Just now the regulations are if the medication is needed on a continued basis for chronic pain that you will need to be seen by a pain management specialist. There is no law that states a regular doctor can't prescribe oxycodone though. Hope this helps.

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Jason is correct, there is no law that says they can't prescribe it. However, due to new DEA directives and intense scrutiny, most of them will not prescribe controlled substances for any reason.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

It would be best to see pain management specialist.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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