Can I Take Two 325 Butalbital Upon Awakening And 5mg Oxycodone Throughout The Day Four Hours Apart
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I am 80 years old and use oxycodone very sparingly for neuropathy. To help prevent possible dependency I usually take one 5mg oxycodone about four hours apart. I weigh 210 pounds and my prescription allows two 5mg pills every six hours, but that dose clouds my thinking even though it does manage pain better. I usually get by with taking one 5mg oxycodone pill no more than three times each day beginning from about 10am. Getting up each morning is the most difficult; If I take two 325mg Butalbital tablets upon arising I seem to get a little boost, so that I can function enough to get going without too much discomfort. I don't start taking Oxycodone until after breakfast, at least two to three hours after getting up. Only on a rare occasion, where I must be very active through the day will I take one and 1/2 5mg oxycodone pills. If I need to take something at bedtime for pain it is usually two 325 acetaminophen pills. If I have a headache in the evening, (I was prescribed the Butalbital for cluster headaches) I take two or three Butalbital tablets depending upon the severity of the headache, instead of two acetaminophen tablets.
5 Replies
Re: Mudd (# 3)
Remember, different meds work differently for different people. They probably have the 325mg that's 50mg Acetaminophen 40mg Butalbital
Vermin is quite correct. The amount of Butalbital should be 50mg and no more. The possibility of fatal overdosage is very slight indeed. You would have to be opioid naïve and taking quite an amount of both meds in order to pass the LD50 (the dose at which half of subjects die) in this case. You sound as if you are used to oxycodone. But remember that if you are not prescribed and do not take daily, then it can take as little as four or five days for your tolerance to an opioid to lessen to almost zero once more. This is why so many people who leave rehabs, prisons etc overdose - they are so stupid that they think they can get away with taking the kind of dosage they used to, and that can most certainly be fatal. Oxycodone and Diamorphine are the most notorious for that scenario.
However no Doctor would immediately prescribe the same dosage of DIAMORPHINE (H hydrochloride) as before a prison sentence or similar; if you were on, say, 100mg dosage before and you had been detoxified, your doctor would not risk any more than 10mg to begin with, gradually raising the dose to the optimum analgesic dosage for your condition - and that applies both to the 10mg tablets (very low bioavailability) and the powder for reconstitution which is seen more commonly on Rx. Oxycodone dosage would revert to a maximum of 20mg/dose before titration back to the previous dosage or whatever is sufficient to give the same level of relief as previously.
Hello, Hank! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain.
If your doctor approves of your taking them this way, then the only thing you should be aware of is that both Oxycodone and Butalbital can cause sedation, so taking too many could cause problems, including a possibly fatal overdose.
Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, constipation and dry mouth. They also carry the risk of being habit forming.
What is the precise dosage of the Butalbital tablets that you take? Because there aren't any that contain 325mgs of Butalbital.
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