Byostolic 5mg
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Yes been taking this for 3 yrs have complained to my doctor about my weight gain my joints hurt and can't sleep but she doesn't seem to think the meds are the problem but all test have done come back normal for the pain and tired all the time and fatigued can this medicine be causing all my problems they just want to keep giving me medicine now want to give meds for depression to see if pain stops ready to throw all meds away except synthroid have to take it took my thyroid for cancer

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the last blood draw was in March am due again Sept. or Oct. my problem is that can never go off Synthroid cause they took all my thyroid cause of cancer if knew was going to have all these health problems cause of synthroid I would have kept my thyroid

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HI, Becky! Sorry about the problems that you've been having.

However, the symptoms you're experiencing are actually probably caused by the Synthroid, not the Bystolic.

Learn more Synthroid details here.

It is actually well known to cause such symptoms in some people that take it.

When was your last blood draw to check your levels, while taking it?

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