Butesin Picrate Burn Ointment - Availability
UpdatedWhere can I find butesin picrate burn ointment?
1 Reply
Hi Kathye,
Based on my research, Butesin Picrate does not appear to be available anymore from the proposed manufacturer (Abbott Australasia).
However I did come across an older post back from 2011, stating that there were pharmacies in Guatemala who carried it under the Spanish name Picrato de Bustesin. This information can be viewed in the following thread: Discuss/butesin-picrate-burn-cream-195494.htm
One other thing I'd also recommend doing, is browsing through some of the other message boards here discussing this medication. Perhaps you can find more specific details on it's availability by searching in this way.
On a side note, aloe vera gel is also a good substitute for burn treatment if all else fails.
Hope this helps!
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