Butal Acet Caff 50/325/40 Uses (Top voted first)


Hi, my name is kelly. My doctor told me to take butal for my headaches and when I looked it up it's saying it's not for headaches at all. It's for people who have add and other issues.

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Hello, Kelly! How are you?

No, Butalbital is a barbiturate that is commonly combined with other medications, such as the Acetaminophen and Caffeine in this medication, to treat migraines and tension headaches. The name brand for it is Fioricet.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia and nervousness.

I'm not sure what you were reading. Where did you look it up?

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I am surprised that nobody has mentioned Imitrex for migraines. I used it in the past, when I was having multiple migraines every week. Thankfully they're down to one every few months.

Imitrex came in self-inj. preparation, similar to the Epipen, such that you open the travel case - size of a large wallet - remove one of the pens, prepare it for use, place it against your upper arm, or your thigh, and push the button.

Relief is almost immediate; within 20 seconds to 1 minute you will feel the effects of the Imitrex 'shot' and the excruciating headache begins to recede. They now make Imitrex in a pill form but having never used it, I cannot tell you how long the relief takes.

It also comes in a variety of forms now, both brand and generic, which is slightly less expensive for each format.

I hope this helps someone; Imitrex helped me get through a difficult time in my life during which I had at least one migraine a day and could hardly function at work.

Now I seem to have grown out of the worst period of suffering from so many brutal headaches, and carry the pen inj. kit with me on the off chance I need it. But I haven't used it in a few years and my biggest risk is ensuring that the medicine does not exceed its "use by date."

I hope this helps someone to get through a singularly excruciating experience.

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