Buprenorphine In A Clinical Trial


Hi. Bit of a random one, but basically I am considering signing up for a clinical trial that involves being dosed with buprenorphine and narolex. The trial involves receiving 100mg of narolex the day before dosing, which is an IV dose of buprenorphine, and then 50 mg of narolex for the best 3 days. I don't actually know the exact dose of buprenorphine atm (I will find out soon) so I guess this could make my question a bit difficult to answer, but basically I was wondering what level of side effects to expect from this? Obviously I know the narolex is designed to block the action of opoids, but should I still expect significant side effects from buprenorphine, ie nausea, as well as perhaps from the narolex itself? I have never used opoids before, so will have no form of tolerance. Also I understand this drugs are not to be messed around, am I only considering signing up because I am in a slightly desperate situation financially.
Thanks very much.

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Sorry I meant to say nalorex (active ingredient naltrexone, an opioid antagonist)

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The Buprenorphine is an opiate, so it does carry the risk of being habit forming and this combination may cause nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth as side effects.

Unfortunately, I can't speak on the level of their severity, because that will vary from person to person.

Has anyone else taken these together?

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