Buprenorphine 8mg 460 (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been prescribed the 54 411 buprenorphine pills for about 7 years now. After my last doc visit I filled my script and they told me the same thing about the 54 411 not being available anymore and I got the 460's from them instead. My opinion...they SUCK! Feels like it has about 1/4 the amount of the 8mg it's supposed to have in it. I've been struggling all month with trying not to take more than I'm supposed to. I'm prescribed 1 8mg pill a day and have been happily taking that dose for about 3 years now down from 2 a day. Why this change has happened I have no idea but for me it's not a good thing at all. Besides the huge difference in price I have nothing good to say about the 460's. Does anyone know of a pharmacy that still carries the 54 411? I use CVS

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Purdue makes a Buprenorphine product called Belbuca. It is a gel that is placed on the inside of your cheek. The benefit is that it is supposed to disintegrate (and thereby enter the bloodstream) within seconds. I have not tried it, but I wanted to. The most prescribed form of Buprenorphine is called Suboxone, a drug that is purported to help addicts go off of hard drugs. I tried it for pain, and since I don't do drugs, the additives were not a concern. But I could not keep anything down. Over six months I lost 50 pounds. My last hope was the Belbuca, but no one would prescribe it. In the meantime, I have concluded that I have some kind of allergy to the drug. I do believe it to be a useful pain med.

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Re: Michelle (# 38) Expand Referenced Message

Did you try Suboxone or Subutex? There is a difference. Suboxone has buprenorphine plus naloxone and subutex is just buprenorphine. I had a bad reaction to the nnaloxone in Suboxone and it made me very sick and depressed so eventually I was switched to Subutex. After about a 5 days on Subutex I started to feel better and eventually felt normal again. I went through alot of crap before a doctor would switch me to subutex.

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Re: riggsk0915 (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

The same thing is happening to me. I have been taking these 460 from sun pharma since the 24th and I feel horrible. I can't even function. I am dizzy, I have no energy and I feel depressed. This is not what I felt like the time before. Last month I checked with the pharmacy and they told me the had changed to the 460. I can't wait to get a new script and get the old one back so I can get back to loving life.

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CVS is the only place that I know of that carries the 460's. I went to Walmart and had never seen this kind until my husband had to fill his at CVS. Now we go to a local pharmacy and have no problem getting the regular ones& yes the burning sensation sucks.

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I swallowed the buprenorphine, is that ok? I forgot I was supposed to put it under my tongue. Will it still work?

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Re: TKRaxTchYY120 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

What new ingredient is in the new roxane/west ward 54 411, because my face is a hot flashes and red and I feel like crap? I'd like to know as I think I'm allergic to whatever it may be. I was getting the mylan but they were out and I used to be fine with the old 54 411 8mg tabs but just over the last 3 days have been horrible and I noticed a chance in my body for worse, like I have the flu plus eczema, skin rash, so if I can know what the different filler is it'd be so helpful to me and I'd feel better. Thanks.

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Re: riggsk0915 (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

So is it the sun 460 ones you like even over Rhodes or 54 411 now owned by himka?

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I have been looking all weekend for the Rhodes too. I'm in Florida the only place I can find them is target stores pharmacy. But none have any on the shelf. They said they are on back order humm anyone who lives in Florida knows where to find them please post..

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It's because your using CVS. CVS switched to that brand. I would suggest going to Walgreens that carries the orange oval shaped ones or going to a pharmacy that isn't a big name like CVS. That's what I do but sometimes I have to go to Walgreens to get the orange one's bc of location and timing. Walmart doesn't carry the one's CVS does either but they don't do partial fills anymore so that's why I stopped using them. I know what your talking about though with it not feeling like it does the same job but the orange one's at Walgreen's, I think would be your best bet as far getting close to the one's your talking about. But again I would definitely check one of the local pharmacy shops that aren't as well known as CVS, Walmart, etc.

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Re: Charlene (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly...i.posted a link to complain to FDA awhile back...it said online when two or more people were having same bad reaction to a med that an investigation would begin....so I encourage all who've gotten sick from 460s to speak out!!! We only have power if we scream together!

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Same thing happened with me but I was switched to Hi-Tec brand which are smaller and dissolve faster.

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Re: KristenGfromGa (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I do not and will not ever except the orange half moon from actavis. I dont like anything about them not to mention they have less bup. In them and this is a very expensive medication. The only other one is sun . Now they Mylan is the one that has less bup it . All the others have 8.64 mg of buprenorphine equivalent to 8mgs. The only 2 generics I will accept is hikma 54 411s or the newest generic is Rhodes it's like 2x stronger than the rest , it's very smooth tasting and a very well made pill. They are made by Purdue who put out oxycontin. Purdue makes very good medications .they are manufactured by Rhodes that puts them out. Everyone should get a chance to try them . Everyone I have told this to is very very happy. Someone asked yesterday a question..... which one should I choose at the pharmacy they have both, everyone said Rhodes of course but one person said it correctly there is no comparison it's out of the ballpark get Rhodes.. he did and came back thanking us all for feedback try them follow the money Rhodes new generic buprenorphine came out in Oct 2017 and are showing up slowly us who have them had to hunt and we found them

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Re: KristenGfromGa (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

Do you really like the orange half moon??. Or is it because it's all you can find?? IM just curious about it because most pplni know run from actavis brand that Walgreens carries. I have 5 stores in my area that I can get actavis anytime I want to because that's all Walgreens has carried for many years now..I will always go to the next pharmacy and avoid the orange half moon. I have never found anyone that says they like then..I will always get the hikma 54 411s or new Rhodes Rb b8 they are white round and we finally have a generic worth bragging about I have done subs for almost 15vyears now and nothing ever compared to original brand subutex other than teva b799

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Re: sativabupeyea (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. Just picked up 12 Sun Pharm 460s from my 60 tab script. at a mom n pop shop. N this is the first time i felt euphoria n opioid warmth since starting. (Mostly suboxone. N the 54 411 roxies or westward or w.e the f*** they are now) i almost feel like i took a blue. No joke. I feel amazing right now after 2mg ROA IN.. Instantly felt my stomach get better n a warm opioid euphoric blanket is over me. Feels like when i first started subs. I don't take them for a buzz. My 54 411 no one even could tell i was on a med. It just made me normal. These seem the same if not a bit better than 54 411s, hmm ill keep u updated. I cant believe 2mg has me feeling amazing. I get we all want what we know, but these 460s are doing me fine so far.

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Ok guys i have no idea why ppl are complaining bout the 460s. I literally dosed at 11 am w this for first timevafter yrs of 54 411s. Its 610pm rn n i hahvnt had to take another 2mg dose. Im absolutly SHOCKED ida had to do atleast 2 more doses of the 54 411s by this time. So until i find less desirable rezults from this brand this is my new fav. I cant believe i feel fine n good rn after just my morning 2mg dose. I have no reason to lie guys. Im a long time suffering addict whos life was saved by bupe. I now have a great paying job n bank account.. But boy i was scared all the negative feedback didnt psych me out n think they're bad. But woooww i feel great like 7 or 8 hrs w no dose. Normally i need atleast 2 more of 54s by now. My honest experience. First time i actually felt euphoria or subs in yrs

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The sun brand is one of the worst imo. The mylan and sun are my two least favorite brands. Ive been on buprenorphine since 2006 and Subutex since 2010 so I've tried all the Subutex brands over the years. Brand was the best, Teva's was the best generic but they are both gone. Now Rhodes is the best available and the old Roxanne now called hikima is second. The rest are pretty awful and I refuse to use any brand except for those two.

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Re: Bobby (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I tried the pill which I believe did not contain Naloxone - got sick each time though I attributed the reaction to the fact that it took a long time to disintegrate.The time it takes for Suboxone and the pills to disintegrate caused much of the drug to be swallowed. The drug apparently does not provide relief if swallowed. Hence, my interest in trying Belbuca. The different formula and promise of very fast entry to the system seemed worth trying. But I was never allowed to try it. I moved on. I now take Tapentadol ER (Nucynta) and SR for breakthrough pain. It is by no means perfect, but it does help on most days.

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Yea the pharmacy inside my doctors office !!!! Best thing ever. Never had a prescription not filled there. Besides adderall. They don’t mess w speed. Mostly benzos and opiates, or opiate replacements. I still get the Roxanne’s every single month. If I go to Walgreens they bitch the whole time and give me orange subs with a moon on it, that I actually think are better than the Roxanne’s. Super hard to get though. Chiraq 4 life.

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Re: Stephanelle (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Kroger has the 460 as well they had RP ones definitely leaves burning under tounge totally different from what I was getting

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Re: SteveC (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Last month was the first month that I received this brand as well too and it was from Walgreens pharmacy as well I'd never seen this kind of bottle before I knew something was a little bit off and that horrible burning sensation I could not take it it was just unbearable. I don't know if I should contact Walgreens as well too about this matter because they are now distributing these tablets as well.

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