Breakout Even After 3.5 Months (Top voted first)


I feel so depressed as I'd been accutane for 98 days but the acnes still popping out. anyone experienced this? Is this means that the drug did not work on me? as aftermath every acnes,there are severe red scarrings, esp on my both cheeks and jaws and it is really devastating.

4 Replies

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Are u using other products as well. If so stop. All you need is a daily cleanser for morning and night as well as a plain facial lotion like cetaphil for morning and night. Nothing else. I noticed when I stopped using other products my face cleared up faster using 20 mg per day of Accutane.

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Hi Kay, it starts to clear now, but aftermath the acne, jesus christ. horrible red scarring. and I googled that we are not allowed to do laser when on accutane, it can only be done after 6months of the course. How long have u been on accutane so far?

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When you do break out, you need to stop picking at it, that is what causes the worst of the scarring.

Learn more Accutane details here.

This medication can also cause some problems with long term side effects, so please be careful.

How are you doing on it?

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my side effects are still manageable, only chapped lips.I drink a lot of water.I am on my 5th month scarring covered up all my cheeks and jaws,I m going to visit the sg dermatologist to see if he can help me on these scarrings.are you on accutane course too?

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