Bottle Says Oxycodone 5 Mg Tablets


orange pill with 44 218 on the front and nothing on the other side...i googled 44 218 came up as aspirin?

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I also located this round-orange pill to be Aspirin (81 mg) in the drug database. It is manufactured by Major Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Based on the information I gathered, the bottle is most likely a misprint if it was obtained from a legitimate source.

I would suggest taking it back if indeed it's not what you ordered, and letting them know the seriousness of this mistake.

Please post back if you have any other questions or concerns regarding this pill...

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I googled the same thing and got Aspirin too, American pharmaceuticals, is mainly listed. But I drought home DIDREX from Isreal from AL-JEZ pharmacy, and Isreal pharma is allowed to sell in US f FDA approved - so there are all kinds of imprints for everything.

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