Blurry Vision
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Since on beta blockers, atenolo or metaprolol my vision is blurry. Cannot concentrate, very frustrated.

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I have been experiencing blurry vision that was caused by prescription medication. Will it return to normal after the drug is no longer taken?

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Hi Ashley,

Sorry to hear about your situation. According to the US National Library of Medicine, both medications (Atenolol and Metoprolol) list "blurred vision" as one of their more common side effects.

Ref: Atenolol Side Effects / Metoprolol Side Effects

However if it doesn't seem to go away on its own, you may need to contact your doctor as soon as possible in order to find out if you should still continue taking them as prescribed or opt for something else altogether. Unfortunately when it comes to these types of medications there's really no way to know ahead of time how it'll end up affecting you in the long run. But I'd just encourage you to keep an open mind to whatever your doctor suggests at this point in time, since loss of eye sight can be a very serious and scary experience. My heart goes out to you and hope you're able to overcome this sooner than later!

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