Blue Green Unmarked Capsule


The capsule is blue/dark green with a brown kinda pink looking powder on the inside. It is also unmarked with kinda circle intentions in the middle. Does anyone know what kind of pill this is?

3 Replies

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Hello, Samantha! How are you?

If there are no markings, it is most likely an over the counter product, of some type. So far, I've been unable to find anything that matches this description, however I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you.

Does anyone else have an idea of what this is?

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Hi my. Is mike what kind of pils should i take for infection the side of my neck is swollen do the cause of my broken tooth which the left side is it possiable i ned to go to the hospial.

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Yes it is an antibiotic called clindymycine either 150 or 300mg it is. Used to treat bacterial infections. I am a RN hope this helps. DJLRNC

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