Blue Green Diamond Tablets
UpdatedI found my husband with Blueish green diamond shaped pills no lettering on either side. I thought they were viagra and was confused why he had them as he has never had a problem with me in the bedroom ever! when I confronted him about them he said they were an antacid reflux pill. He takes Tums anyway at times but he says these are for when it gets really bad one was actually in half and although it was blue/green on the outside it was white inside. he had a delivery in the past of Viagra to the house which he swears was by mistake by the company sending them out and he said he returned them. I believed him at the time. Why else would he be taking Viagra. He swore to me time and time over it was definitely not Viagra and I want to believe him, so I really hope you can tell me it is indeed a antacid reflux pill of some kind but why would any other company package there pills to look like viagra.
1 Reply
Hello, Ams! How are you?
With no markings, it is difficult to say for sure what these tablets might contain, but there are some foreign brands of Viagra that match this description.
Is he on any other medications? There are some that may cause erectile dysfunction, so he may feel that he needs it.
If it is Viagra, its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and stuffy nose.
His doctor should also be informed that he's taking it, as it may be contraindicated with some medications and medical conditions.
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