Blue Capsule No Imprint (Top voted first)
Updatedone side dark blue other side light blue found in a white bottle no marking, person does wieght training any idea what these could be
6 Replies
I realize this question was asked in 2009, but I'll throw this out anyway. A dark and light blue capsule with no imprint is manufactured by TRIPADA BIO-TECH PVT. LMD., a pharmaceutical company in India. Odds are, the capsule in question is Itraconozole (Sporanox), a widely used anti-fungal medication.
It is prescribed for the treatment of systemic and superficial fungal infections. Someone involved with weight training would most likely be using their gym's locker room, where the chances of picking up a fungal infection such as Athlete's Foot are high, on a fairly regular basis. So, it's really not surprising to see someone in that situation, with an anti fungal medication. As to why they would have one manufactured in India, well, oral anti-fungal medications can be very hard on the body, and doctors are often reluctant to prescribe them because of it.
I've included a link to the manufacturer's website where you can view an image of the capsule and it's packaging:
Late answer for the original poster, but hopefully this info can help someone else.
I would need more information to identify the right pill. Is there any markings? Please post back with any more information so I can help you futher.
there are no markings at all
I will continue looking, if anyone out there has an idea please post your information.
i have seen theese and have been told they are a form of oxy
I was told they were tetrahydrocannibis
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