Blue Capsule Brown Powder
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Found a blue metallic capsule withe no markings ans brown powder inside...what is it? I'm guessing a street drug..
4 Replies
Re: Queenbeezoo (# 1)
This is xenadrine.a diet pill.. it is not an illicit street drug. It's from Wal-Mart
What is the ingredients of the brown powder inside of a big blue pill with no markings
Thanks for keeping us posted on your findings pertaining to the unmarked metallic blue capsule. Personally, I think your overall suspicions may be on the right track, but unfortunately there's no way of knowing for certain without going the extra mile and getting the contents analyzed by a lab or drug panel kit. If anything, a drug panel from the store would probably be able to tell whether or not an opiate or illicit drug is present. Then again, depending on how curious you are this might not even be worth while if you're planning to dispose of the contents anyways. I'm just glad to hear that your grandchild didn't get ahold of it first. Looking forward to more feedback if/when you find more information.
The unmarked metallic blue pill filled with a brown powder substance that my husband found still has me puzzled. My search on the Internet didn't get me far. I did find where you can buy empty metallic blue capsules in bulk. I also found an article suggesting the brown contents could have been a form of opiates.....I did think about bringing it to my pharmacist or local law enforcement but I was afraid they would think it was mine....this capsule was found in a church on the floor and my young grandchild likes to sit on the kneeler. Thanking God my husband found it before she did.....I'm just really curious as to what may have been in that capsule. I am believing it was a street drug and not a legal prescription due to no markings on the capsule....
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