Blood Test Oxycontin How Long Can It Be Found (Top voted first)


having back surgery, don't know if docter will check for oxy but I have no choice but to take a 40 M.G. once in a while, don't want to be dirty afraid he might cancel surgery.

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You need to tell your dr because it could cause problems with the anesthesia.

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BL is correct, this isn't something that you can keep hidden.

Anytime you are going to be having anesthesia of any type, your doctor needs to know everything you're taking, even over the counter products. Anesthetics are very touchy and can have dangerous interactions with many medications.

By not telling your doctor, you are risking your life, if they use the wrong one and it reacts badly with the Oxycodone.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

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I haven't taken one since the 6th and I don't take them every day and wont take anymore before surgery oxy contin that is only what i'm prescribed 5 M.G. hydrocodone, so will it be able to be detected?

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72 hours and oxycodone is out of your urine

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