Bleeding On Sprintec (Top voted first)


Hi. I just started my 3rd pack of pills and I have had continous bleeding (like a medium period) since the 1st pack. Should I stop taking them or will my body eventually adjust and stop bleeding? I feel like it's never going to stop!

2 Replies

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Hello, Reo! How are you?

According to the FDA, irregular bleeding can occur for the first 3 months, while your body is getting used to the hormones. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, weight gain, irritability and PMS-like symptoms.

If it doesn't stop by the 4th month, then you may need this may not be the right contraceptive for you and you'll need to speak to your doctor about trying something else.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been on ortho tri cyclin lo before and it was wonderful! My periods were like clockwork and only lasted 3 days tops and were super light. So when I finished having all my children and got my tubes tied, I needed something to help regulate my cycle and to help with my cramps and I chose it again. I first got the generic trinessa and was fine, but then I was switched to a different generic called trisprintec. Since I've started that one, I have gotten my period twice each cycle. Once in the second week and I bleed for at least 7 days and then I usually spot until the next time I get it which is at the normal time. Then I start all over and have another period and bleed for another 5 days or so. I feel like I have my period the entire month! If I don't have a full blown one, I'm spotting....

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