Bleeding More Than 7 Days
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Ive been on Sprintec for over a year. I am still on the blue pills but last Friday (9 days ago) I started bleeding. I didnt have the symptoms of what usually happens with my period. Ive never missed a pill and have always started on the Wednsday in the white pills. I dont start the white pills until today. Should i contact my dr?

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I've been on Sprintec 28 for 4 months now and my "periods" are so out of wack. This month I bled the whole first week of the month, skipped the second and then bled for 13 days in a row, skipped a few, and now I'm bleeding again. Last month was similar but not quite as many days. Has anyone else had this? Also, if the white pills don't have the active ingredients in them does that mean I can get pregnant that week?

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Yes, it's always best to contact your doctor to be on the safe side, however, it is normal for your menstrual cycle to be unusual, when taking hormonal contraceptives, due to any type of changes that may affect your body, such as stress, insomnia, weight changes and etc.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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