Black And Red Capsule Opiate (Top voted first)
I am trying to find a pain killer I took in the 80's for pain from severe burns. It was Black and Red. It was a capsule. It was an Opiate. It worked really well and did not make me sick!!! That's what this is all about!!!
I hurt my back and I have been prescribed Morphine, Hydracodone, "The Patch", etc. I am suffering from the side effects of these meds and I was telling my Dr., who is really young, and doesn't know this med. So I don't remember this drugs name as I was so young and I can't track it as the Pharmacy and hospital I got it from are all closed down.
Please help!!!
3 Replies
Hello, Jallen2! How are you?
I'm sorry, but just knowing the colors and that it was a capsule isn't enough to point to what it might have been. It might even no longer be available, as several have been removed from the market during the intervening years.
All medications carry the risk of causing side effects, you really just need to work with your doctor to find ones that work for you, without causing more than you can handle.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
What else has your doctor suggested?
Well he has been very helpful and patient. We have tried numerous pain meds and also added a nausea medicine that helps but it knocks me out and seems to make the pain medicine stronger.
I told him about this medicine and he is going to try and get my records from back then, but is not very hopeful about getting very good info from that institution! He said it is part of the reason they might have closed.
Anyway I appreciate your time but I was hoping an old pharmacist might have read this and said oh I remember that it is ol so-n-so!!!
No such luck!!!
Re: Jallen2 (# 2)
It wasn't mepergan was it? A narcotic pain pill with promethazine in it (it cuts out pain AND nausea) that brand is discontinued now, but they were dark red capsules, depending on strength. They may have something similar now.
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