

its from portuguese/diet pills

6 Replies

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ive had it, it is a miracle pill. never felt better in my life. i lost 29 pds. the only thing is that i got the pill from a friend from brasil, and am currently trying to get it myself. if you have any sugg. please email

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i need some information on bioemagrecim, i just started taking the pill and i dont know what possible side effects are or what it has in it

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Since this is a foreign drug that is not approved nor regulated in the US I cannot help you. Most foreign countries do not keep databases and information like those required in the US.

The only thing I can advise is contacting the place who sold it to you and asking them for more information.

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What type of foods work best with the pills.

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Spamming IS NOT permitted on our boards, so those posts have been removed.

I would also like to alert everyone that purchasing drugs, without a prescription from a foreign country that are not approved for use in the U.S. is ILLEGAL activity.

Posting your email address publicly when you are engaging in such activities is not the smartest thing to do!

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Looking for Brazilian diet pills that are sold with red/white capsules and smaller green/white capsules and/or any other effective Brazilian diet pills. Please email: iwannabeasuperstar @ yahoo . com

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