Bilateral Pulmonary Embolism
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Just a quick question, don't know whether you will know the answer, but if in 6 months at my Dr review for my blood thinners,for pulmonary embolisms in both lungs, if I was told I can come off them do I have any rights to ask to be kept on them even at a low dose? As no one know where or why this happened and tbh I'm gonna be scared to come off them now ... Is it my right go ask to be kept on them?

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Hello, Paula! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you've had and thank you, Christy for your response.

Yes, you can ask to stay on them, but your doctor does not have to acquiesce. If they feel you no longer need them, they don't have to continue prescribing them.

The FDA lists side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, cold extremities, increased risk of bleeding, muscle aches and easy bruising.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I went to a hematologist and did a full blood workup because I had bilateral PEs. They can let you know if you have any genetic factors for PE. My blood work turned out ok with no genetic factors so they think it was birth control pills. Even if you go off of the thinners, you will be more aware of the symptoms if it happens again. I am getting ready to go off of xeralto at the end of January.

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