Betaclav Side Effects Urgent!
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I have never been allergic to any antibiotics, but my Dr prescribed Betaclav 1000 for my bacterial infection. I've taken 5 already, one in the morning, one at night as instructed. But last night I got a rash all over my body that itches (res, blotchy, not raised) but it went away during the night. This morning I took a tablet again and my lip started swelling up. What is going on here?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My dr put me on another antibiotic that doesn't contain penicillin. It's been 2 days now but I'm still getting the rash. I guess the penicillin was strong and still in my system?

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This medication contains Amoxicillin, and Clavulanate, and that sounds like you might be having an allergic reaction to this medication. It would be best to contact your doctor immediately, especially given the lip swelling.

The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and diarrhea.

How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?

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