Betaclav 1000 Any Good?
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Hi, could you please explain if this tablet betaclav is causing so many problems with people. Then why is it still been perscribed?? Why are people still been given this tablet to take. My husband was on the Betaclav 1000 and his eyes are yellow, skin rash, tired and vomiting. On the pamphlet it states one tablet, 12 hourly yet he was told to take two tablets, one in the morning and one at night. This makes no sense?

3 Replies

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Betaclav s an antibiotic and it is normal for it to be taken every 12 hours, which would be twice a day, just as instructed.

It contains Amoxicillin with Clavulanic Acid, a non-allergic skin rash, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and fatigue can be normal side effects.

However, if his eyes are turning yellow, he should consult his doctor as that could be the sign of a serious liver problem.

Simon, no, this medication will only help with infections, such as that which Titty has described.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have a serious bone infection, my doctor gave me betaclav 1000 for three months. Should that be good and will the Betaclav with my bone infection

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Simon says
I have itchy skim will betaclav help or clear it up

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