Best Norco Brand (Page 4)
UpdatedHi, i get the yellow norco pill with a cursive v and 3601 on the back. Is there a better brand?
Re: Marc (# 60)
I totally understand your frustrations! It is so unfortunate that people like you and I have to fight so hard as a "Pain Patient in Compliance" for the medication that actually quality made to do what it is made for, and how unfortunate it is that big pharmaceutical company's, federal government's are only seeing the problem that has been attributed by people who have abused their medication, or doctors who have abused their positions! All the corruption that has led to the Federal Government having to get involved, and all those it effects being scrutinized and unable to conduct business without being threatened or scared to help an individual find out where he or she can find such a medication to help them! Trust me a Junkie would not go through the extremes you or I would to find that one medication that helps us with chronic pain! You think! I really do understand your frustrations. I just believe that I am in good hands with my pain management team, I found the pharmacy that carries the brand (so far), (knock on wood it doesn't stop) that works! So I have changed to doing all my business with this one pharmacy. And with all the homework I have done in the past two years, I stood my ground, in the nicest way I know how, to continue to guarantee that my pharmacist and their buyer will continue to purchase from their distributor as long as they can this one product for their customers, as it has come to their attention, I am not the only one who has contacted this area's pharmacy buyer with the same concern! So if it's any help to you at all, I urge you to continue to keep trying, as your probably not alone! Sacramento is a tough place, California itself, must be a tough place when it comes to the opioid crisis, and standing up for your right as a pain patient! Complaints made to the FDA, is always a good option to. Medications that are purchased that do not work, should be reported to the FDA! The more reports they get, the more opportunity to open a case they have. I know, I have made a few myself. I am on your side here, as a pain patient, and concerned about the outcomes that will affect people like you and me, and many more during this "Opioid Crisis" Hang in there.
Re: Shari from Indiana (# 14)
I feel the same way. I been being prescribe norco 10mg way back since it was still called lortab10mg & were blue. Due to car accidents i was involved inn& that was back in 2007. I have to say they dont work like they should.& its sad that alot of people have to up there owm dose r people r accidently overdosing from taken more. Just to try & stop the pain. So maybe something is goin on were not aware off. Good luck to u all
Re: Doris (# 18)
Qualitest, yellow 10/325 work best for me. Been taking 15 years. They work, I don't abuse. Hope it helps.
I would be more than happy to sign a petition. I was on Vicodins 750 ES before they discontinue them. The doctor that I'm seeing now only will give me Norcos. 10 / 325. None of them work for me. Doeto not matter the maker, the brand, the color or shape or size of it. The Watsons 835 are awful in white or yellow. Qualities does not work for me either. I'm in chronic pain I have 38 conditions. I am very very ill. This doctor will only give me 4 Norcos a day. It's just like taking Tic Tacs. No pain relief no energy it just frustrating and irritating. And the pharmacy treats me like a junkie. I've switched Pharmacy multiple times just to see if they have better Norcos that work. A lot of them if you don't have a second pain medicine to fill, then they will not even do business with me. The places that I am at now with my medication make me wait 32 days in between medications. So two days I have no medication. This is not right this is not fair. I am not a junkie. I have a person that's in chronic pain that has a lot of illnesses. I was on a morphine patch and also taking 6 morphine pills a day at my old pain management, and they used to also give me six 750 es is a day with a butran patch. I have more problems now than I did then I did then but this new doctor and the last doctor in the group that I can possibly see only gave me 4 day. I just picked up some the other day and they did not work again the month before they worked a little bit and I was happy with that. Because I have gone through so much different brands and makers either they make me sick or I get no pain relief. The old Vicodins would always give me a pick-up and a lot more pain relief. But since the da changed everything I live in pain everyday to the point and become suicidal but there's nothing they will do for me. It's awful and it is it is Criminal. Good luck to everybody but please send me a petition and I will sign it. Thank you very much have a great day
Re: Leets (# 17)
Your doctor can prescribe you a liquid form of your medicine. Ask at least for that option to see if it will work! Doctors have ways to help with this problem by simply listening and writing down exactly which brand you can only take! Carries alot of wait at the pharmacy!
Re: Allison (# 61)
I'm glad you are complaining to company's and pharmacy also. I had the brand LUPIN I contacted them and they have contacted me and want to work with me to figure out what is different and how they can work to fix it. I will post on here to see if they actually do anything like they are saying. It just sickens me that I have to suffer because they changed and took out the main pain control ingredient out or lowered it down to such a minimum that it may as well be a sugar pill. Lease then I wouldn't get such horrible stomach aches.
Re: Lupus (# 66)
I totally understand the frustrations! These changes of manufacturers selling to other manufacturers who change the compound of the products that work to junk! The retailers who choose to purchase the less expenses products they force upon the consumer (you and all of us who suffer from chronic pain) without a choice! Just to make a profit! Don't care that the product works or not! Like the product that seems to be taking over all areas and pharmacies called Malikroft, the white ones stamped either M365 or M367 which is 5/325 or 10/325. Complete junk! The brand Qualitiest, Yellow stamped V one side 36 01 other side, which is the o my product I will use, thanking God that my local Walgreens still carries it other than the White generic Watson, in which I find as another product that does not work well. My chart at pharmacy states only give "Qualitiest" and that my friend took a lot of complaining at first, calls to the buyer for our local pharmacy and a notice from my doctor. (Pain Specialist) Also filing complaints with FDA regarding bad drugs for the Malikroft brand being forced to purchase! As long as the pharmaceutical company continues to make the Qualitiest Brand, my pharmacy will continue to purchase them, as I am not the only customer who has complained to thier corporation regarding this!
The more we complain, report, pester the company buyers, letters work best for future reference! The better luck we may have to get Companys/Pharmacies understand we are true pain patients who have rights! Not junkies, or drug dealers! And if they want to keep our business, they need to purchase products that work, or they too can be reported for selling products that are not good for human consumption! I get all the back up I can, starting with a long talk with my pain doctor, and a note from them staying only a certain brand is all I can take! If doctor says so, then insurance, no matter who has to authorize!! There is no more "Original non generic Norco brand" anymore! All of them are generic, yet only we who are having to take these meds know what works and what doesn't, so that being said, Insurance covers all generic brands. Which leaves it up to the pharmacy company to purchase the one that works, then you will see if they care about thier customers, or the money! Thier refusal is another tool to add to your arsenal of proof for the FDA. The more each person starts taking on the big companies who claim they don't purchase or cant purchase the brand you need, and writes them letting them know you are going to report them to the FDA for forcing or product that does not work on you, the more we might get something changed To go our way! Guarantee it!!
Re: Allison (# 67)
I need your help. Walgreens won't order the ones I want. They said that is all they can get per FDA and CVS won't either. Please help me if you were able to get them to listen.
Re: David (# 1)
I usually get my rx for Norco 10-325 in a yellow pill, Manu: Par p. Two days ago I go to get my rx for the same and wound up with a flat, white, oblong pill with the pill #U03. These pills are very weak and I haven't slept in 2 nights. Have you heard about these pills?
Re: Gwen (# 3)
Hi, The 10-325 white flat Norco pills from Par Phar. sucks. I haven't slept in 2 nights and they don't work.
Re: Gwen (# 3)
Hi, The 10-325 white flat Norco pills from AUROB sucks. I haven't slept in 2 nights and they don't work.
Re: Lupus (# 68)
What I did is start with a call to the pharmacy buyer, call their corporate headquarters, or Google it, find the number ask to Speak to the buyer for your pharmacy and politely ask them if they can please tell you why they changed and if there was any way they could order the ones you need for your pharmacy. If they don't, file a complaint with the FDA on the ones they are giving you now that do not work! Then call the pharmaceutical company that makes the ones you want and ask them where in your area you can go to purchase their product. Tell them how much their product works for you, and that your pharmacy refuses to purchase the ones they have, plead with them on what you can do! That is how I started, I was lucky that the buyer for my pharmacy had many other calls and letters from customers with the same complaint, and they would rather keep our business than lose it! So they special order the Qualitiest Norco for our pharmacy. That was two years ago, so many things have happened since then. Yet it's still worth a few phone calls!
Re: Iraqmike (# 5)
Mike, I am so sorry that you are a Veteran who has served our country, got injured and are treated this way. I have chronic Lyme disease and three coinfections, one in my bone marrow. The pain is unbearable sometimes. I have also tried to question pain medication, much of which, seems not to work anymore. I found out that the white Norco that I get from my pharmacy is only from a manufacturer called Aurobindo in India. I am a lawyer and I started digging until I found that many of my medications are made by Aurobindo. Then I found FDA reports on that company and its 19 units (manufacturing labs) which were investigated by the FDA. The reports indicated that, for generic drugs made by Aurobindo, there was widespread fraud. The FDA has known since 2013 about Aurobindo and they are still at work. The meds were "not made to specification, contained little to none of the active ingredient, contained pollutants and toxins" and contained other odd things like "unacceptable" organisms and road paint. Other manufacturers have people complaining, too, about the meds not working and making them sick. I am overwhelmed because I have only found a good manufacturer for one of my meds and my doctor requires that I only be given that drug. I went to a Publix pharmacy that only sells white Norco manufactured by Tris. It has no effect on pain, yet if I stop taking it, I have withdrawals. Something bad is going on and my doctors are stumped. I have talked to many pharmacies and the Compliance Officer for the State Pharmacy Board. I found no help, but I am not through with the Pharmacy Board. I just cannot research and figure out all of this being sick. I am at a standstill. Does anyone have information on what is happening?
Re: k (# 4)
yeah i got the same look from a customer when i tried to get some norcos from a pharmacy in a different nearby town. wtf? all i want is pain relief like God provided us in opiate flowers.
Re: Mary (# 21)
I just ran into the same situation this week. Rite aid is now Walgreens? That’s the excuse I received. I took the script to a compounding Independant pharmacy and they said the “Norco” manufacture was changing names and the non generic wouldn’t be available until June/July 2018??????
Re: Rk (# 19)
I think you are right on the nose i'am also a chronic pain patient, I think i've had most out there. You are right!!!!!!
Re: Rebecca (# 73)
What is going on I've tried almost all of the generics for the Norcos some make me super super sick and they all do not work no pain relief at all. I'm a chronic pain patient have been for 20 years. I miss the years before the DEA and the pharmacy manufacturers search screwing around with my Med and the meds of other people that are in pain. It's a crime.
Re: Iraqmike (# 5)
So sorry Iraqmike — I salute you with my heart in my hand, please accept my appreciation! And all your pharmaceutical assistants at pharmacy need to be ashamed! I would take all my medications and have them switched! And Believe me “they DO care about that“. Mention it ONCE that you will switch your scripts to another pharmacy where attendants are caring and treat customers with decency and respect. SEE THE TURN-AROUND-CHANGE you experience swift!!! I hear it all the time and none of us that suffer chronic pain should have to be subjected to this! I promise there are days when I just get SICK of pills but to much in pain of discomfort sick to not take them! Chronic Pain is no party ‘ESPECIALLY FROM A BOMB BLAST FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM TO OPERATE SUCH NECESSARY BUSINESSES AS ALL PHARMACEUTICALS COMPANIES HAVE BECOME AND THE DISPENSING OF MULTI-MILLIONS Of pills the pharmacies await to DO their jobs in most courteous professional manner and in all fairness to The American System Of Medicine That Americans receive 'MOST' I feel is darn good if not great. Compassion understands that you must be able to put yourself in another's shoes, because you NEVER know when you may have to wear them shoes ...God Bless you to feel as comforted as possible considering the massive trauma. Such an injury has no words to describe! Decent Americans Honor their WOUNDED SOLDIERS IN ACTION ON THE BATTLEFIELD FIGHTING TO KEEP US SAFE HERE. You are a Hero.
Re: David (# 1)
Watson 853...... duh
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