Best Generic Brand For Oxycodone 20 Mg? (Top voted first)
UpdatedI went to my Pain doc and he changed some of my meds..increasing mg dosage from 15 to 20mg oxycodones..along with oxycontin 10 to 20 mg. I know, there is no generic for the oxycontin, only the OP's..what's the best recommended generic brand of oxycodone, if it is such a thing as a 'better generic brand'? now, i am taking the, believe it's "qualitest"? i have been satisfied with them but, it's the only brand i have ever, i really have nothing to compare them to. Maybe, someone might have some better understanding of generic meds, what..if any is better or not as good as another brand? any input would be useful, thanks so much for your time and willingness to answer my questions.
9 Replies
The green 30 mg are what Costco has starting with an m.Blue 215s even though same 30 mg are much stronger and are found in Walgreens and CVS been on them for years getting off of them will be hell so anyone that starts no what u r signing up for. Addicts say the blue bill is harder to stop than heroin and I have never gone down that road.
ZyGenerics is effective and consistent pain medication. We have had trouble with all pain medications that are manufactured by KVK Tech Inc. Walgreens, Kroger, and Safeway "got a good deal" on "millions" of the KVK Tech Inc. pain medications and are giving customers no alternative but to purchase these pills that are on the low end of the "effectiveness scale" allowed by the FDA. I would suggest that you look for an independent pharmacy that carries pain medications not produced by KVK Tech Inc.
I'm ready to STOP the Roxy 30. My Dr. Gave them to me in 2004 until June 2016. I need to go back to the way I used to be in my thoughts. I'm scared of Withdrawals from every story I've read, it's terrifying. I believe I can do it, I've only taken my meds as directed by mouth. It's so scary to know I've been on that same Med for so many years. Looks like the Dr. couldn't have kept someone on it that long. I have family I love & I need to be well for them, time goes by too fast. Please, If there are any home remedies to get clean, plz share with me. I don't want to start a Med to get off a Med, as in Methadone & Suboxone. Please Help. Thank You very much if u read my comment.
I would try cutting tabs in half then stepping down to 15s and after a script start cutting them in half too. Then tens do the same.
Try & get the ones marked k57. They are about the same size as A series 30 mg & surprised me a great deal. They are round & grey. Best ones I've had & last quite a long time.
Re: Rusty Red Doll 28 (# 4)
Whether it sounds believable or not one trick I found actually 2 that are a guarantee and it's not methadone and it's not Suboxone it's Lyrica if you were in for withdrawals and took 300 mg of Lyrica you would sleep for 10 hours and wake up hungry and feeling great so depending on how much you doing I would say no more than 1200 mg a day for about a week and make sure you taper off don't just stop bed at the same time you should drink l-tyrosine and that's about it really. II is a battle week with Special K if you stop everything you're doing and just laid in your bed for about a week taking bumps of K here in there you will go through it with no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever and you will get no withdrawal symptoms from the ketamine. I hope that is in some way helpful good luck
Which pharmacy carries the best version of oxycodone 20 mg? The ones I get wear off too fast.
Hi, Sally!
Which tablet may be better is really a subjective opinion. There can be fluctuations from one generic to another, but unless someone is very sensitive to medications, they usually won't notice any difference.
And most pharmacies won't allow you to selective pick one, anyway. They usually just give you the one that they currently have in stock.
Does anyone else have any advice to add?
Heroin and methadone are the two top worst opiates to withdraw from. Methadone being number one. Hands down. Takes a month to get through it or more.
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