Barmicil Compuesto Cream 30 G (Top voted first)



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Have been using Barmicil Compuesto Cream which I purchased at Walmart in Acapulco....Is this a safe cream and, if so, where can it be purchased in the USA????

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I just found a cream tube in my medicine cabinet and would like to know for what is good for. Barmicil compuesto 30 g. Thank you.

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i have GELMICIN METAMETASONA CLOTRIMAZOL GENTAMICINA CREMA 40g and i want to know if i could use it in my vaginal infections help please

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I have been using Barmicil for several skin problems such as sores, pimples, rosacea, ringworms, and gotten excellent healing of ailments, with no skin scarring. I buy it in Progreso, MX for about $3.00 a tube. This lasts for months. I also keep an extra tube handy, so that if I encounter someone with dire need of skin help, I can offer it to them.

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I also agree on the effectiveness of this combination of meds, my son suffered from Eczema since he was a baby after trying tons of prescribed creams finally someone a new found this stuff, it was a miracle! He still gets occasional breakouts but I just apply the cream and the next day it’s gone!

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For everyone's reference, I believe the active ingredients of this medication translate to:

Betamethasone + Clotrimazole + Gentamicin

From what I have seen the closest equivalent available in the US contains 2 of the active ingredients (Betamethasone + Clotrimazole), under the brand name Lotrisone.

Anyways, hope this helps. Does anyone else know if the above combination of ingredients is available in the US at all?

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I had severe cystic acne with severe acne scarring. The pimples were deep and painful and came in pairs. My skin cleared up, better than it ever looked in just one week. I now have no acne on my skin. Barmicil Compuesto is a miracle cream and is sold for only $8 in Belize. I strongly recommend it.

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I was born with eczema , which the doctor said was going to go away when I got older. It didn't. I've used all the creams they gave me, I even went to a dermatologist but that didn't help. But the other day my mother asked for Barmicil Compuesto at a local Hispanic store , the owner told her that they keep the cream hidden because its something that the doctors do not prescribe & its hard to get. She got it for $10

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I used this cream on those skin tag that you get on your neck and it cleared it up. This cream is magical.

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barmicil, as stated above, is good for a wide variety of skin disorders. while not a doctor nor a pharmacist, i can at least attest to its effectiveness against ringworm (thanks, dog). i have heard it to be used on psoriasis, excema, sores, pimples, rosacea. not a cure-all, but it does help with the symptoms of the afore-mentioned.

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you can get Barmicil at the fleamarket.

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I agree...after 3 dr.s & 4 different treatments in the US, we got this in Mexico & it clears up my son's exzema in just seems to work like magic!!!

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After talking with a specialist here, the US, he warned me NOT to use it more than 2 weeks at a will thin the skin where used, it does contain steriods.

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Barmicil is not available in the states. You can get it in Canada, but it's by prescription only, and is a bit more expensive than in Mexico. Sad but true.

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Could this also be used for a boil?

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how can i purchase barmicil compuesto creme in the uk

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Can I use barmicil on breast break out?

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This cream is very inexpenssive in Mexico. Its less than $3.00 a tube. I use it for athletes foot and jock itch. Relieves as soon as it is applied.

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I have a 7 month old daughter that have a scratch on her head due to hitting herself with a baby toy I bought for her.

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I live in Mexico and it is readily available over here.

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