Barmicil Compuesto Cream 30 G (Page 2)



67 Replies (4 Pages)

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I live in Mexico and it is readily available over here.

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This cream is very inexpenssive in Mexico. Its less than $3.00 a tube. I use it for athletes foot and jock itch. Relieves as soon as it is applied.

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This can be found online and over the counter from Mexico. I think I paid $8 but shipping was around $25 so I just purchased 3 tubes. Hope this helps everyone.

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I had severe cystic acne with severe acne scarring. The pimples were deep and painful and came in pairs. My skin cleared up, better than it ever looked in just one week. I now have no acne on my skin. Barmicil Compuesto is a miracle cream and is sold for only $8 in Belize. I strongly recommend it.

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Quiero unos 10 tubos m los mandarian $$$

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Yes it can it disapear in a day or 2

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I use barmicil for chafe and cleaning my face. It works perfectly. I buy it for $5.93 in Belize.

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How long does it takes to clear up your athletes foot? I'm asking cause I have athletes foot for almost a year and nothing I try works.

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Of course he didn't recommend using it and talked bad about it. It's not sold in the US and u would not pay him for the visits since it helped and wouldn't need to see him anymore.

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Ok. So I mentioned before how great barmicil was for my skin. However, about 2 1/2 months later my cystic acne returned and it was worse than b4. The cream no longer had any effect on my skin. It took about four months to begin to clear up naturally.

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I would like to know if the barmicil compuesto can help me with my hemorrhiods?

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Try your local flea markets Bcz this is prescribed only med here in the US

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I have a 7 month old daughter that have a scratch on her head due to hitting herself with a baby toy I bought for her.

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Is barmacil good for fungus or to remove marks? I tried it on a rash and it as gone by the next morning. Just need to know if it can be used for fungus or marks?

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My son is now 16 but he was born with atopic eczema. We took him to different derms and nothing helped. Until my mother in law brought me this cream from Mexico. It does contain steroids so his pedi and derm told us not to use it since he was small but it's the only thing that works even too this day.

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Barmicil is exactly the same as Genatrifil, a combo of betametasona,clotrimazol and gentamacina. Available at Farmacia Similaires (Dr. Simi) in just about every decent sized town in Mexico... three 40gm tubes for $69 pesos or about $4-$5 comes under the trade name of 'Best' in dark blue box. If your in Mexico, or someone you know is, get lots it's cheap and works really good. Too bad it's prescription, that's nuts... stuff becomes way overpriced that way... the pharmacists would lover to make aspirins prescription if they could. Medicine and pharmacy is licensed theft.

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At the flea market they sell it there. Just ask around.

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Please tell me where I can get some?? I need some asap. My neighbor no longer live here and that's the only way I was getting it.he would bring some back from Mexico.

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You can find it at the flea market there in houston. If I'm not mistaking it's the biggest flea market called Tia Pancha. Just search them up on google. Hope it helps!

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Hello everyone looking for barmicil cream. This cream is a miracle. My daughter has had very severe Eczema since she was few months. Now 13, i tried everything. Nothing worked till I found this cream. Everything cleared up within two days. Very happy mother.

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