Bad Reaction/allergic (Top voted first)


I recently took amoxillian for a sinus infection---this was not strong enough to cure. My doctore prescribe me Augmentin---within 20 minutes I was dizzy, weak & vomiting. This went on for 2 hours plus----until I passed out & no longer had anything left in my stomach. I have strained my neck, broke blood vessels in my eye and feel like I was ran over. Can you tell me if this product has any sulfur or condiene in it. I am highly allergic to both of these drugs. Thanks for any info you can give. SF

3 Replies

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Augmentin contains the active ingredients Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid. Not sure if there is sulfur in there, definitely no codeine though.

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stop taking that stuff! unless your sinus infection is worse than the side effects but, I'd say the side effects are much more worse than the sinus infection. I'm not sure if the drug contains those things but don't chance it. talk to your doctor first.

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Kristen, some of these posts you are responding to are very old, that person's prescription and treatment is long over, this was posted way back in May when I first answered their question.

You might want to start checking the dates on the posts you respond to, if you want to help people, so they get your information in a timely manner.

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