

Is there such a drug?

4 Replies

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I was not able to locate any drugs called Astefin, I did find a drug called Astelin, which is used for symptoms such as sneezing and itchy, runny nose. It contains the active ingredient Azelastine.

To read more information about this drug, please see:

Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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ASTEFIN does exist, manufactured by NewPort in Costa Rica. Maybe it is another brand of Astelin
I spent some time in Costa Rica a few years back, and was given ASTEFIN for a cold/flu. It worked well, in fact I kept the unused tablets for my own use later whan I returned to Europe.

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I have some astefin 100 which my wife bought in costa rica. She bought it per the advice of the pharmacist to treat my cold and sore throat.

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Astefin is an NSAID and is used in the treatment of pain. I live in Costa Rica and was given the drug ifor treatment of sciatica, and it works very well for me with no side effects.

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