Apotex Vs Pliva Trazodone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


My pharmacy just switched manufacturers of my prescription trazodone 50mg. It used to be made by apotex now it is pliva and I am finding that the new pills are having little to no effect and I am starting to suffer discontinuation syndrome. I talked to my pharmacist and doctor and neither one could tell me what was causing this. I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who could shed some light on the subject.

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I just want to add that I am having a terrible reaction to the current Pliva formulation. I have no idea what I was taking before this last month, I was in ignorance about the difference in generics until this happened and I started searching on the web - apparently it was from TEVA but may not have been Pliva. Not only can I not sleep, but it has thrown me into a bad depression. CVS says they can't get a brand name product, and Apotex is back ordered for months. They're still looking around for me....

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Yes!! Pliva by Teva does not work!! Thank you!! The pharmacists I've spoken to just shake their heads. Until you've experienced the difference, you don't know.

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I am writing to you from New York City and am completely empathetic to your situation. Having been put through the proverbial grinder by my employer's health and prescription drug plan–not to mention ignorant phamacists–I've adopted a different tack. Hence, there are a few things that I should like to share with you. FIRST, Apotex continues to produce Trazadone, albeit in blister packs. SECOND, whether you obtain your prescription from a mail-order pharmacy or a local one, if you need the Apotex version, THEN MAKE IT VERY CLEAR TO YOUR PROVIDER THAT THE EXCUSE YOU WERE GIVEN IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!! Regardless of who the supplier happens to be the pharmacist can still obtain the APO. As my pharmacist in New York explained, some pharmacies do not want to special order "one-of" or small-quantity medications because of the extra time and cost involved in obtaining the drug vis-à-vis the profit to be derived from the sale of the medication. The mail-order houses are notorious for this. THIRD, if the pharmacy in question is not willing to accede to your request, THEN HAVE YOUR DOCTOR INTERVENE BY WRITING A FORMAL LETTER EXPLAINING THE NECESSITY FOR THE APO. Bear in mind that just as generics are allowed to differ by 20% from the brand version-for any given psychotropic medication-the way in which they metabolize in different individuals also varies. FOURTH, IF THE PHARMACY REMAINS OBSTINATE, THEN FILE A FORMAL COMPLAINT WITH YOUR STATE INSURANCE COMMISION. AND, DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT OUTSIDE AGENCIES–to include, but not limited to local television news consumer reporter, consumer advocates, or your state pharmacy review board. STAND YOUR GROUND!!!! GOOD LUCK.

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Hi Mandy, Pamela, & Deb,

This is Marco writing. Since my last post of Wed., 30 Sept 2015, I do not believe that anything has changed regarding the availability of the Apotex version of Trazadone. It is still available because I continue to purchase it every 90 days. To those individuals in the U.S: If a local pharmacist(s) seems indifferent or is unwilling to help, then I urge you to call every pharmacy within a three-hour driving radius of your home in order to find a pharmacy that will provide a 60 or 90-day supply of Apotex Trazadone. If this is not feasible, please bear in mind that YOUR HEALTH TAKES PRECEDENCE–not what the U.S. Congress stipulates.

I can only speak for myself; however, since Watson discontinued production of Trazadone the only producer which I've found to be a close substitute is Apotex. The chemist who said that there is considerable variability between the producers of generic Trazadone is making an understatement in general–as it pertains to generic psychotropic medications–and in particular as it concerns Trazadone. (If you have any doubt about this then take a few minutes and do a Google search of the "Hatch–Waxman Act" and read what the Act contains. This is the legislation that permitted the creation of the generic drug industry.)

Unfortunately, it seems that whether in the U.S. or Europe doctors are becoming apathetic or outright dismissive–psychiatrists and neurologists are no exception. Too many pharmacists are no less guilty. TOO FEW medical professionals are willing to think "outside of the box". HENCE, THE PATIENT IS LEFT TO HER/HIS OWN RESOURCES IN TERMS OF BEING THEIR OWN ADVOCATE. DON'T EXPECT YOUR PHYSICIAN, 'SHRINK', or PHARMACIST TO "GO OUT ON A LIMB FOR YOU". DON'T SIT AND FRET ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE THE MEDS YOU NEED. INSTEAD, GO ABOUT FINDING THEM.

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If you are in New York City go to Caligore or any of the PRIVATELY OWNED PHARMACIES. PLEASE AVOID THE CHAIN PHARMACIES. The explanation for this is rather lengthy but I can sincerely tell you that I speak from much experience.

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Not working for me, not sleeping very well...I take the medicine and takes forever to go to sleep.

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My pharmacy also switched to apo t50 from pliva... And the t50s have no effect on me whatsoever... I'm filing a complaint with the FDA:


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I agree! Apotex takes longer to kick in and I kept waking up resulting in excessive daytime drowsiness! So Walgreen's put note on my script not to give me that brand! Walgreen's is wonderful!

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I have had the reverse effect. A lot experience didn't work at all and Pliva did. I use for severe insomnia. Is there anyway to find out the exact amount of ingredients in a drug, since the quoted strength can be off 20%. That's 60 mg per dose for me. No wonder I had problems!!. That's another 1/2 a pill.

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Re: Rob (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

I'm so glad I found this site. I was taking 100mg by Apotex for sleep and kept waking up at the same time no matter what time I went to sleep. I thought it was strange that the 50mg worked better. Fortunately, I had refills left on the 50mg. When I checked the mfr., there was a difference. The 50mg was by TEVA. Needless to say, I'm back to having a good night sleep.

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Re: Marco (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

I took the Apotex for several nights in a row and it did not work. But I did notice dryness of mouth. I went back to Teva and it working well.

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After taking Trazodone 150mg, manufactured by, I believe, Apotex (oval pill) for a few years, my pharmacy last refilled my prescription using the manufacturer Pliva (trapezoid pill). Since then, I've been having uncomfortable tummy issues, some dizziness, and more fatigue than usual, which I thought was some other illness. After researching other sites and here, I'm thinking my symptoms may be a result of the new manufacturer. Will talk to my pharmacist and request the original manufacturer to see if my symptoms go away.

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Re: JJ (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I'm in Asheville, NC. I've always used Walgreen's for Trazodone until they switched to Pliva (part of Teva) from Apotex on the 150 mg tablet. I found the Apotex at a small independent pharmacy here. Since then, my pharmacist at Walgreen's suggested taking 3 100 mg tablets and 1 50 mg tablet at night, instead, all made by Apotex (my dose is 350 mg.) I am back to normal. So at this point, they carry both Pliva and Apotex. Most of the other chain pharmacies I checked around here carry Teva. Hope this helps!

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Well im tentially about to have the opposite occur my pharmacy just switched to APO

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No that about covers it. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.

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Interesting...I just got pliva after taking apotex for a couple of years. I am finding that I'm sleeping better with the pliva but it doesn't control my hot flashes like the apotex.

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I have been using Trazodone 50 mg APO for many years with great success. Pharmacy just switched me to Pliva and it is a disaster. Was sleeping 8 hours a night now waking up at 4:00 AM Can anyone help??

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I am not able to take Pliva but can take Apotex. Here is the problem right now. All dry pills from Apotex are on hold by the FDA for about 2 months. That means the main ones available are Pliva which is owned by Barr who is now owned by Teva. I was able to find some 300mg Apotex which I am cutting up to get what I need.

Call around. Walmart had Mylan. There is also Qualitest and some others.

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I was taking Trazodone 50mg by Mylan. Recently switched from Walmart to Walgreens. Walgreens uses Pliva. I did not expect any differences, but after only a few pills I can't sleep well and i feel a bit more anxious - this started right away. It didn't dawn on me that it could be the pills. Also, i am experiencing side effects again that I experienced when I first started taking the Mylan pill. I should be over side effects for Trazodone, so maybe the side effects are from the inactive ingrediants? I don't know. I got a new prescription & will be switching back to the Mylan as soon as I can get to the pharmacy today.

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Costco just refilled my Apo (tex) T50 with Pliva last week and I couldn't fall asleep for 4 hours every night. Had severe withdrawal syndrome so had Primary Phys call in a scrip to Walmart for Mylan 50mg. after calling MANY pharmacies in town. No APO anywhere here in san diego, only Pliva and Teva. Slept thru the night with the Mylan the last two nights. No grogginess and feeling alert thru the day. Thank God!

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