Apotex Vs Pliva Trazodone (Page 3)
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My pharmacy just switched manufacturers of my prescription trazodone 50mg. It used to be made by apotex now it is pliva and I am finding that the new pills are having little to no effect and I am starting to suffer discontinuation syndrome. I talked to my pharmacist and doctor and neither one could tell me what was causing this. I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who could shed some light on the subject.

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My email reply today from them stated they are out and they have no release date.
They advised me to check all pharmacies in my area.

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I called the manufacturer "APOTEX" in September and was told by them that at the time Trazodone was out of stock. The gave me a tentative date of November but as Ive commented before, it has happened now 3 times and I have caved in and am taking the Pliva/Teva brand. No, it does not work as well.... at first....but I have now gotten used to it and it is fine. At least I dont have to worry about it anymore. Apotex just isnt reliable and I would rather have consistency.

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I am writing to you from New York City and am completely empathetic to your situation. Having been put through the proverbial grinder by my employer's health and prescription drug plan–not to mention ignorant phamacists–I've adopted a different tack. Hence, there are a few things that I should like to share with you. FIRST, Apotex continues to produce Trazadone, albeit in blister packs. SECOND, whether you obtain your prescription from a mail-order pharmacy or a local one, if you need the Apotex version, THEN MAKE IT VERY CLEAR TO YOUR PROVIDER THAT THE EXCUSE YOU WERE GIVEN IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!! Regardless of who the supplier happens to be the pharmacist can still obtain the APO. As my pharmacist in New York explained, some pharmacies do not want to special order "one-of" or small-quantity medications because of the extra time and cost involved in obtaining the drug vis-à-vis the profit to be derived from the sale of the medication. The mail-order houses are notorious for this. THIRD, if the pharmacy in question is not willing to accede to your request, THEN HAVE YOUR DOCTOR INTERVENE BY WRITING A FORMAL LETTER EXPLAINING THE NECESSITY FOR THE APO. Bear in mind that just as generics are allowed to differ by 20% from the brand version-for any given psychotropic medication-the way in which they metabolize in different individuals also varies. FOURTH, IF THE PHARMACY REMAINS OBSTINATE, THEN FILE A FORMAL COMPLAINT WITH YOUR STATE INSURANCE COMMISION. AND, DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT OUTSIDE AGENCIES–to include, but not limited to local television news consumer reporter, consumer advocates, or your state pharmacy review board. STAND YOUR GROUND!!!! GOOD LUCK.

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Yes I totally agree with you. I recently received a refill of trazodone manufactured by Pliva/Teva. Didn't think much at first but after a while I noticed the med was no longer working. I was only able to get few hrs sleep with Pliva, I then went back to Trazodone by Qualitestand, voila, meds working again!!!

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This happened in June of 14 as well. I waited 4 months for it to come into stock and then I was able to fill my prescription twice.(2 90day scripts) I called Apotex again today and found out that they are out of stock and their "guesstimate" would be mid May. I was told that same thing before and each time I called they gave me a new date.

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With a new rx and a new drug prescription insurance company, I find Trazodone is not working and I can't sleep as well. I believe the new rx manufacturer is not making the drug the same. Dr. believes Apotex (former supplier) is the brand that worked.

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The only brand of trazodone that works for me Apotex. I am going to call the FDA Compliance Department to report Pliva and Teva as ineffective. I think we should all do that.

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Thanks for the update. Hope that actually happens! I'll start calling all the pharmacies in a month.

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Update on all Apotex/Trazodone issues. I talked the the manufacturer today and was told they will be distributing the 100mg tablets to pharmacies by mid July. I was told that was the only strength they are going to be making. Whether that changes or not at least there is hope.

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I have already submitted to Express Scripts from my doctor to send only Apotex to me as well. It wont happen. Express Scripts only has the one by Teva and has no plans on getting the older brand. They gave me Apotex's number and the manufacturer also said they were no currently making any.

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My mail-order pharmacy (Express Scripts) just switched from Apotex to Pliva and I find that the Pliva is very problematic. If I take the normal dose, I wake up feeling drugged, and if I split it in half I'm awake most of the night. Also, the pill is just about identical to another medication I take. I called the pharmacy today, and they said to ask my psychopharmacologist to FAX them a new prescription with "Apotex manufacturer only - no substitutions" on it, and they will order the Apotex for me.

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Previously, we have been able to order from Canada, but it is no longer available there. Ask your pharmacist to source it. After I posted yesterday, I did some checking, but was not able to see if it was backordered/discontinued again.

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Melissa -- where did you find the Apotex generic Trazodone??

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We have had a similar problem with our son. Only two manufacturers, Apotex and Mylan, are effective for him. He is very sensitive to the bases in medications and looking at the two pills (Apotex and Pliva/TEVA) will tell you that they are NOT the same. The Pliva/TEVA pill is much thicker, leading us to believe that there is a difference in the base of the pill.

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Walmart switched from Apotex to Teva/Pliva a few months or so ago. Teva gives me horrible nightmares and little sleep. Switched to Target for Qualitest which was not as bad...but, now they, too, have joined the Teva band wagon. They tried to order Qualitest for me yesterday, but no luck. I've tried all of the major drugstores with no luck. Apotex was the best, but would have to go to Canada, I believe, to get it. Any updates on Apotex?

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Hello. I came here to learn the difference between Trazodone "Pliva" and "APO". Now I know, and thank you. I saw the Apotex tablets for the first time today. I'm supposed to split the 50mg tabs in half, but boy they look small compared to Pliva. I'll try a 50mg tab and see if I'm loopy tomorrow. I take them for depression, along with Citalopram. Thanks again.

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Read comment #45 You can also find the drug Co. hotline # They will tell you who In your state has It. No one Is going to help you !!

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The Teva version of trazodone is not working for me, either. In fact, I wake up every 2 hours with it, I used to get the Apotex version, which worked well, when I had difference insurance. I have even DOUBLED the Teva dose in desperation, but no luck. RightSource, the mail order pharmacy I need to get it from now says they can't get it, that I would have to get it locally. I have called every pharmacy locally, and no one has it. I've even called distributors to find out where I can get it, but they couldn't give me the info I needed. I've filed a complaint with the FDA about the Teva medication and have spoken with people at Teva, who had me send them a pill. I am FURIOUS about all this. I NEED TO SLEEP.

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Get On the phone and start calling Drug stores ,You will find one that will get It for you ,..Im getting mine from Thrifty white drug think Its 18.00.But Its worth it Was getting from wallmart but I think they have to comply with government regulations and sell It for 4.00 So If you find It Pay for It .

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I am in Colorado and I cannot find Apotex anywhere. Pliva which is being sold under the name Teva does not work for me at all. I don't know what to do.

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