Any Withdrawal Symptoms From Symbicort (Page 2)
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I have been on symbicort for 3 years. I would like to get off it as my asthma is manageable...Are there any physical withdrawals to worry about?

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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I have been on symbicort for a couple of months. Prior to that I was taking Advair. I am also on Spirva and albuetrol inhalation for nebulizer. Since symbicort, I have gained weight, having muscle cramps, and generally just don't feel well, tired all the time. I would like to get off of symbicort, but how can I do so safely? And what is a good substitute? I see if you have iodine and sulfa allergies (which I have both), you shouldn't be taking Symbicort anyway. Did the doctor not look at my records?

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What is the safest turbohaler for asthmatic that does not have side effects?

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For your attention.

I was on Symicort for approx 2 years following a significant worsening of my symptons at the age of 25 years. Up until approx 1 month ago I was taking 4 puffs a day, as well as singular in the evening. As you might expect, I was keen to reduce my dependency but every time I did so things seemed to get worse. Through on-going research I came about Buteyko, which I have been practicing for 4 weeks. As a direct result I have stopped the use of Symicort but introduced Pulmicort (400 2 puffs a day). Things have steadily improved and I am on the verge of partaking in the level of exercise I could handle whilst using Symicort (approx 20 miles running per week). So, in short, disuses with your doc an appropriate steroid replacement and drop symicort. The first couple of week are pretty rubbish to be honest but things get much better. Re introduce ventolin or have the odd puff on symicort if things get bad. Remember the importance of ensure inflimation is controlled – for that reason, a steroid inhaler is essential. Think also about GERD and post-nasal drip. There is a significant link between asthma-gerd-PND: GERD travels up the up worsening asthma and PND, which in turn travels down and worsens asthma – it’s a vicious cycle. If you have GERD, get it under control – this will improve your asthma significantly. A clear symptom of GERD is throat clearing. Take control of your asthma - Buteyko is great….

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i seem to have experienced the same symptons as you are now. i have been on symbicort for 3 years and for some reason the doctor feels i should remain on it longer.
i don't see the need if my asthma is manageable and under control now. I will see the dr. soon and post his reply for you to read. hope i can help you.

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I'm also interested in getting off symbicort, what would be the best and safest way to do it? It's affected my voice really bad, been on it for a couple of years.

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Lucy, you're very welcome. I'm happy to help and will gladly continue to do so, just make a post! You can use this one or start a new one.

If you're having trouble finding anything or it seems that a post isn't getting a response, I can also be reached at [email protected]

I always check that one several times a day!

Hope everything works out well for you!

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not yet. my doctor is in another town and i have to get another PCP according to Medicare as of June. I am seeing my neurologist in June in NY and will discuss this with him. I want to thank you so much for your input and taking the time to make a senior citizen with too many ailments a little wiser. I worked as a medical receptionist for 25 years but never did i think this far ahead !! thank you again. i hope you will reply if i have any other questions before June.TJLD

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Very welcome!

Actually to wean yourself off of it, you would still take it every day, but you'd gradually lower the dosage.

It is very important to do so with this one, since it contains Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant. If you try to come off of it too fast, your brain doesn't have a chance to rebalance the Seratonin on its own and you could suffer rebound effects, which could be worse than the symptoms that you started taking it to treat.

Usually this would mean going down to 15mgs for about 2 weeks, then to 10mgs and etc.


Have you discussed this with your doctor?

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thank you so much for your prompt reply. I am a senior 65 years old and have been on both meds for quite awhile prescribed from my dr. (need knee replacement surgery) and am asthmatic. I am also on Lexapro 20 mg. for 5 years. I would like to attempt to wean myself off Lexapro.
Would that mean taking a pill every other day, then every two days, etc. thank you again.

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Symbicort contains Budesonide and Formoterol.

Anytime you have been on a medication for a prolonged period of time, your body will become dependent on it and you may experience some withdrawal symptoms. The most dangerous that you will have to watch out for are rebound bronchospasms and asthma attacks.



And what medications would you like to check for with the Vicodin? If you can post back with what you are concerned about, I will gladly check for you.

There are no listed interactions between it and the Symbicort. Though it is always advisable to double check such information with your doctor or pharmacist.


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I also have questions on drug interaction with hydrocodone 5/500...If anyone would like to discuss this with me, please respond.

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