Any Side Effects Of The Rocephin Shot (Page 7)


I have had bad pain in the upper part of my leg and my hip since I got the rocephin shot. My leg got so sore about 2 hours after the shot, that I could barly walk on it. Now it hurts constantly and it catches and shots pain at where I sit down and stand up. I can hardly walk on my leg. I am wondering is this suppose to happen after this shot. I didn't have this before.

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Mason (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

They gave it to me after knowing I am allergic to penicillin

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Re: JD0507 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Did your pain ever go away? My boyfriend is going thru this 3 weeks out.

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My boyfriend got this shot in his butt which was really the hip 6 weeks ago. He could barely walk leaving and ever since has had severe hip leg and low back pain. Can barely walk sometimes. He was not like this before and got the shot for a cut finger. This shot has devastated him. He cant sleep or live normally.

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Re: Claire (# 120) Expand Referenced Message

Did your symptoms ever go away from the Rocephin shot? Is there a class action suit? My boyfriend is really in pain from it 6 weeks out and can barely walk sometimes. Thanks.

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