Any Side Effects Of The Rocephin Shot (Page 6)


I have had bad pain in the upper part of my leg and my hip since I got the rocephin shot. My leg got so sore about 2 hours after the shot, that I could barly walk on it. Now it hurts constantly and it catches and shots pain at where I sit down and stand up. I can hardly walk on my leg. I am wondering is this suppose to happen after this shot. I didn't have this before.

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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I have had bad pain in the upper part of my leg and my hips and leg. Could not stand on it or walk out seat since ... I got the Rocephin shot about 5 hours ago.i believe that the needle hit the sciatic ... I'm still in pain

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I had the Rocephin shot 3 years ago and the pain in my muscle from the shot spread to the rest of my body and into my insides now I have confirmed through surgery that I have 20-plus ulcers on my bladder and now irritable bowel syndrome, chemical sensitivities, psoriasis, pelvic inflammatory disease and other problems all of which I did not have before the shot. I still have issues walking. It all started with the pain in my hip and diarrhea for about 6 months turned into ovary and bladder problems ..eye and ear problems, skin problems Etc. It's like it just went through and burned me. I looked up the rare symptoms from Rocephin and I'm going through almost exactly that... but doctors think it's all too rare for that to be happening to me. I told them I was allergic to penicillin and they gave the shop to me anyways... I've had three surgeries over this and it's now three years later. I contacted the FDA and a lawyer. I think it's about time these people are held responsible.

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I want in on the legal cases well!! I've had symptoms ever since I got the shot 3 years ago. They are confirmed and they are not pre-existing conditions. I'm speaking with a lawyer tomorrow

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Hi, I know I am VERY late on this topic but this came up in a google search. Have you or anyone learned anything further with a legal suit? I am having trouble with the same issues, 2017... hoping for some answers. I hope to hear from someone or anyone!

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Re: Mom (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I think the ceftriaxone gave my child a grandmal siezure

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Re: Layla (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

I had my third shot today. They aren't much fun. I have been fighting an UTI For two months. Hopefully this will work, and not cause more problems.

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Re: LaTasha G (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I agree with what you have said. The doctors are in on it. I am also a victim. {edited for privacy}

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Re: Abby A (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Still haven't heard anything back from the FDA. What kind of symptoms are you having?

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Re: jenny (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

They are not suppose to administer that shot in the arm. Its to thick. Has to be in a meaty muscle area such as the thigh or buttocks

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Re: Ber (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

It’s been 12 months since I had the shot and I still have a large lump under my skin where i was given the injection. There is also a dip in the skin directly above the lump.... I’ve had multiple doctors look at it and they all seem confused when I tell them that I received the shot a year ago... It causes slight but tolerable pain that radiates down my leg and has ever since the shot. It definitely doesn’t seem normal for a simple antibiotic shot, an entire year later.

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I have the exact same thing going on. Plus a lump at the injection site

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Re: LaTasha G (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

What became of this situation? My two year old recieved this shot and is in horrible pain. I’m really worried it’s going to cause long term damage.

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I know this sounds crazy, but I received a Rocephin shot at the Dr on Tuesday for pneumonia. On Wednesday I started having pain shooting down my right arm from my elbow to my wrist that comes and goes. It seems to be triggered by moderate use. I did receive the Rocephin shot in my right hip which seems weird that I would have arm pain, but that's all I can think of that was out of the norm prior to the arm pain starting. I don't take any daily meds either besides vitamins and collagen supplements. Just wanted to share in case anyone has dealt with the same thing and think you're cuckoo like me! It has to be from the shot. Although I workout regularly and am an active mom of 4, I've done no strenuous activity since I got sick over the weekend prior and haven't been able to honestly. Stinks to finally be feeling better (it's Friday now) but have this lingering phantom pain!

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Is it getting any better? Sorry for asking but are you having any stool or urinary issues?

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Re: Abby A (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

Any other symptoms along with the lump? Are you on health insurance? Might wanna run thru doctors till you find one who will at least try to figure out how to make it go away. Did you contact the FDA? Maybe if we all do that they'll actually listen.

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Re: Jess (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

Is your 2 year old getting any better?? Are there any other symptoms? I'm sorry this is happening to you :(

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In 2008 I went in for what I had thought was a torsion in my left testicle. They said it was epididimitis. Was given Ceftriaxone injection in the inner left thigh. Went home. Took a hot bath. My left testicle and scrotum immediately swelled as soon as I got in the water. I think this Antibiotic damaged my testicles.... Other cases say it can cause blood vessel inflammation and I think that's what happened to me.

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Typically, if administered correctly and with no allergic reaction, a shot of Rocephin should hardly be noticeable. It sounds like many of you have had allergic reactions or have had nurses/doctors administer the shot incorrectly.

The shot should be administered IM (IntraMuscular) in the buttocks or through IV. If you've suffered and had other issues due to a shot being administered wrong then you could have a case for legal action because the medical professional was negligent. If you had an allergic reaction then there are no legal grounds. It is a strong cephalosporin (similar to but stronger than keflex) and should not be taken if you are allergic to penicillin.

I had a Rocephin shot myself once, due to an abscess tooth that swole to the size of a baseball in my face. I didn't notice any side effects at all. It did help, very much, with the infection though.

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Re: Jess (# 112) Expand Referenced Message

My daughter eventually recovered from the shots. It took a couple weeks before she could walk up our stairs without having pain. I definitely will not allow her to receive this shot again.

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Re: JD0507 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same symptoms as you after receiving a Rocephin injection one year ago. I went from a painless life to barely being able to walk after sitting. The hip pain is enough to take your breath away. I know your post was from 2011, so please tell me you got better and the pain finally left.

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